If a new lead is created, then Create record
Start today
Triggers (If this)
Actions (Then that)
Other popular Airtable workflows and automations
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Save your listening habits
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Airtable -> Telegram -> Google Spreadsheet
New Notification from Helpdesk
Email me when a new record is created
Automatically log new Airtable records to a spreadsheet
Airtable -> Telegram
Useful Airtable and Nexx integrations
Triggers (If this)
Door opened
This trigger fires when a garage door is opened.
New record created
This Trigger fires every time a new record is created in a table. You can optionally configure it to only fire when a record appears in a specific view.
Door closed
This trigger fires when the garage door is closed.
Alarm armed
This trigger fires when alarm is armed.
Alarm disarmed
This trigger will fires when alarm is disarmed.

Door opened
This trigger fires when a garage door is opened.

New record created
This Trigger fires every time a new record is created in a table. You can optionally configure it to only fire when a record appears in a specific view.

Door closed
This trigger fires when the garage door is closed.

Alarm armed
This trigger fires when alarm is armed.

Alarm disarmed
This trigger will fires when alarm is disarmed.
Actions (Then that)
Open door
This action will open the garage door.
Create a new record
This Action will create a new record in a table of your choosing.
Close door
This action will close the garage door.
Arm alarm
This action will arm your alarm.
Arm stay
This action will arm your alarm in stay mode.
Arm away
This action will arm your alarm in away mode.
Arm night
This action will arm your alarm in night mode.
Disarm alarm
This action will disarm your alarm.

Open door
This action will open the garage door.

Create a new record
This Action will create a new record in a table of your choosing.

Close door
This action will close the garage door.

Arm alarm
This action will arm your alarm.

Arm stay
This action will arm your alarm in stay mode.

Arm away
This action will arm your alarm in away mode.

Arm night
This action will arm your alarm in night mode.

Disarm alarm
This action will disarm your alarm.
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