If any new Raindrop.io highlight saved, then export it to daily jot in Amplenote
Start today
Actions (Then that)
Other popular Amplenote workflows and automations
Add your liked tweets to Amplenote
Use Siri to create tasks in Amplenote
Add your Instagram photos to Amplenote
Pocket to Amplenote
Add a task to Amplenote when Amplenote publishes a new trigger or action
Add a task to Amplenote every day
Create a task in Amplenote when a new Amplenote Applet is published
Add new tasks in Google Tasks to Amplenote
Useful Amplenote and TSmartLife Toaster Oven integrations
Triggers (If this)
Actions (Then that)
Set Cook Mode
This Action will set the toaster oven to the designated cook mode.
Add a task
This action will add a task to the specified note.
Set Cooking Status
This Action will set the toaster oven to the designated cook status.
Add a bullet
This action will add a bullet list item to the specified note.

Set Cook Mode
This Action will set the toaster oven to the designated cook mode.

Add a task
This action will add a task to the specified note.

Set Cooking Status
This Action will set the toaster oven to the designated cook status.

Add a bullet
This action will add a bullet list item to the specified note.
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