If any new Raindrop.io highlight saved, then export it to daily jot in Amplenote
Start today
Triggers (If this)
Other popular Amplenote workflows and automations
Use Siri to create tasks in Amplenote
Add a task to AmpleNote when an event starts
RSS to Amplenote
Add your liked tweets to Amplenote
Add new tasks in Google Tasks to Amplenote
Add a task to Amplenote every day
Create a task in Amplenote when a new Amplenote Applet is published
Note widget to Amplenote
Useful Amplenote and Raindrop.io integrations
Triggers (If this)
New item
This trigger fires when any new item is added to Raindrop.io
New highlight
This trigger fires when any new highlight is added to Raindrop.io
Item moved to collection
This trigger fires when you move an item to the collection you specify
New item tagged
This trigger fires when you tag an item with a specific tag in Raindrop.io
New favorite item
This trigger fires when you favorite an item in Raindrop.io
New item by type
This trigger fires when article, image, video or document (you specify) has been added to Raindrop.io
New broken link
This trigger fires when a link becomes broken in Raindrop.io
New permanent copy
This trigger fires when an item has a permanent copy in Raindrop.io
New file
This trigger fires when you upload a file to Raindrop.io

New item
This trigger fires when any new item is added to Raindrop.io

New highlight
This trigger fires when any new highlight is added to Raindrop.io

Item moved to collection
This trigger fires when you move an item to the collection you specify

New item tagged
This trigger fires when you tag an item with a specific tag in Raindrop.io

New favorite item
This trigger fires when you favorite an item in Raindrop.io

New item by type
This trigger fires when article, image, video or document (you specify) has been added to Raindrop.io

New broken link
This trigger fires when a link becomes broken in Raindrop.io

New permanent copy
This trigger fires when an item has a permanent copy in Raindrop.io

New file
This trigger fires when you upload a file to Raindrop.io
Queries (With)
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