Election Day breaking news
Start today
Triggers (If this)
Actions (Then that)
Other popular Ballotpedia workflows and automations
Useful Ballotpedia and Webflow integrations
Triggers (If this)
Form submitted
This trigger fires when a form is submitted.
Breaking News
This trigger fires when Ballotpedia covers new Breaking News.
New order
This trigger fires when a new order is placed.
New product added
This trigger fires when a new product is added to your Webflow site.
New collection item
This trigger fires when there is a new collection item.

Form submitted
This trigger fires when a form is submitted.

Breaking News
This trigger fires when Ballotpedia covers new Breaking News.

New order
This trigger fires when a new order is placed.

New product added
This trigger fires when a new product is added to your Webflow site.

New collection item
This trigger fires when there is a new collection item.
Queries (With)
Actions (Then that)
Fulfill order
This action will fulfill an order.
Unfulfill order
This action will unfulfill an order.
Refund order
This action will refund an order.
Publish site
This action will publish a Webflow site.
Create collection item
This action will create a collection item.
Create live collection item
This action will create a live collection item.

Fulfill order
This action will fulfill an order.

Unfulfill order
This action will unfulfill an order.

Refund order
This action will refund an order.

Publish site
This action will publish a Webflow site.

Create collection item
This action will create a collection item.

Create live collection item
This action will create a live collection item.
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