Instant Room Brightener
Start today
Triggers (If this)
Queries (With)
Actions (Then that)
Other popular Blickdomi Compact workflows and automations
Turn On Lights When Alarm is Armed
Change Light Color When It Gets Too Hot Inside
CO2 Alert & Shutter Lift
Send a SMS When a Window Opens
Scene Activation and Blinds Control
Turn Off Humidifier When Humidity is Too High
Set Thermostat to Low When Windows Are Open
Lock the Door When the Alarm is Set
Useful Blickdomi Compact and go-e Charger integrations
Triggers (If this)
Alarm Armed
This trigger fires when a new Alarm was activated.
Charging Started
This trigger fires when charging has started.
Alarm Disarmed
This trigger fires When de Alarms are Disarmed.
Car connected
This trigger fires when the car is plugged in.
El disparador es lanzado cuando la temperatura baja de los 10 Grados.
This trigger fires when an Error occurs.
El disparador es lanzado cuando la Temperatura excede los 27 Grados.
Charging End
This trigger fires when the charging process has finished.
El disparador es lanzado cuando los niveles de Humedad Interior supera el 70%
Charging Paused
This trigger fires when charging is paused.
El disparador es lanzado cuando los niveles de Co2 son demasiado altos.
Model Status
This trigger fires when the model status changes.
El disparador es lanzado cuando los niveles de Gases VOC son demasiado altos.
This trigger fires when a transaction happened.
Window Open State
El disparador es lanzado cuando se produce la apertura de un Cerramiento Blickdomi.
Window Close State
El disparador es lanzado cuando se produce un cierre de un Cerramiento Blickdomi.
Force Alarm
El disparador es activado cuando se produce un Impacto Fuerte sobre el Cerramiento Blickdomi.
Window Open Alarm
El disparador es activado cuando se produce una alerta de apertura, estando el hogar con las alertas activadas.

Alarm Armed
This trigger fires when a new Alarm was activated.

Charging Started
This trigger fires when charging has started.

Alarm Disarmed
This trigger fires When de Alarms are Disarmed.

Car connected
This trigger fires when the car is plugged in.

El disparador es lanzado cuando la temperatura baja de los 10 Grados.

This trigger fires when an Error occurs.

El disparador es lanzado cuando la Temperatura excede los 27 Grados.

Charging End
This trigger fires when the charging process has finished.

El disparador es lanzado cuando los niveles de Humedad Interior supera el 70%

Charging Paused
This trigger fires when charging is paused.

El disparador es lanzado cuando los niveles de Co2 son demasiado altos.

Model Status
This trigger fires when the model status changes.

El disparador es lanzado cuando los niveles de Gases VOC son demasiado altos.

This trigger fires when a transaction happened.

Window Open State
El disparador es lanzado cuando se produce la apertura de un Cerramiento Blickdomi.

Window Close State
El disparador es lanzado cuando se produce un cierre de un Cerramiento Blickdomi.

Force Alarm
El disparador es activado cuando se produce un Impacto Fuerte sobre el Cerramiento Blickdomi.

Window Open Alarm
El disparador es activado cuando se produce una alerta de apertura, estando el hogar con las alertas activadas.
Queries (With)
Get power from battery
This query returns the amount of power from your battery.
Currently connected WiFi ssid
This query returns the ssid of the currently connected WiFi.
Get Friendly Name
This query returns the friendly name of the charger.
Get Variant
This query returns the variant of the charger.
Get Mode
This query returns the current charger mode.
Grid Frequency
This query returns the grid frequency.
Get automatic stop energy
This query returns the automatic stop energy limit.
Get flexible energy tariff price limit
This query returns the flexible energy tariff price limit.
Get Transaction
This query returns the current card id.
Total energy
This query returns the total energy charged since purchase.
Get temperature
This query returns the temperature of the connector (type 2) and power supply.
Adapter connected
This query returns true if an current limiting adapter (i.e. 16A) is used.
Load Balancing Ampere
This query returns the load balancing amperes.
Get force state
This query returns the force state.
Get Energy Limit
This query returns the energy limit for the current charging session.
Current IP Address
This query returns the IP address of the charger.
Firmware Version
This query returns the firmware version.
Get energy Array
This query returns the energy array.
Get colors
This query returns the colors for Idle, Charging and Done.
Get cable current limit
This query returns the cable current limit.
Model Status
This query returns the current model status.
Get effective charging current
This query returns the effective charging current.
Get power from pv
This query returns the amount of power delivered by your pv.
Get unlock mode
This query returns the current unlock mode.
Get Requested Current
This query returns the requested current.
Get WiFi information
This query returns information about a connected WiFi.
Car State
This query returns the car state (Unknown, Idle, Wait for Car, Charging, Finished or Error).
Get access control
This query returns the current state of access control setting.
Ledring Brightness
This query returns the led-ring brightness
Charging Allowed
This query returns true/false, depending on if the car is allowed to charge right now.
Get power from powergrid
This query returns the amount of power delivered by the power grid.
Get led energy save mode
This query returns the led energy save mode.

Get power from battery
This query returns the amount of power from your battery.

Currently connected WiFi ssid
This query returns the ssid of the currently connected WiFi.

Get Friendly Name
This query returns the friendly name of the charger.

Get Variant
This query returns the variant of the charger.

Get Mode
This query returns the current charger mode.

Grid Frequency
This query returns the grid frequency.

Get automatic stop energy
This query returns the automatic stop energy limit.

Get flexible energy tariff price limit
This query returns the flexible energy tariff price limit.

Get Transaction
This query returns the current card id.

Total energy
This query returns the total energy charged since purchase.

Get temperature
This query returns the temperature of the connector (type 2) and power supply.

Adapter connected
This query returns true if an current limiting adapter (i.e. 16A) is used.

Load Balancing Ampere
This query returns the load balancing amperes.

Get force state
This query returns the force state.

Get Energy Limit
This query returns the energy limit for the current charging session.

Current IP Address
This query returns the IP address of the charger.

Firmware Version
This query returns the firmware version.

Get energy Array
This query returns the energy array.

Get colors
This query returns the colors for Idle, Charging and Done.

Get cable current limit
This query returns the cable current limit.

Model Status
This query returns the current model status.

Get effective charging current
This query returns the effective charging current.

Get power from pv
This query returns the amount of power delivered by your pv.

Get unlock mode
This query returns the current unlock mode.

Get Requested Current
This query returns the requested current.

Get WiFi information
This query returns information about a connected WiFi.

Car State
This query returns the car state (Unknown, Idle, Wait for Car, Charging, Finished or Error).

Get access control
This query returns the current state of access control setting.

Ledring Brightness
This query returns the led-ring brightness

Charging Allowed
This query returns true/false, depending on if the car is allowed to charge right now.

Get power from powergrid
This query returns the amount of power delivered by the power grid.

Get led energy save mode
This query returns the led energy save mode.
Actions (Then that)
Set Requested Current
This action will set the charging current.
Baja las persianas del hogar.
Bajada de Persianas del Hogar.
Pause charging
This action will pause the charging process.
Sube las persianas del hogar
Subida de Persianas del Hogar.
Start charging
This action will start the charging process.
Cierra las ventanas del hogar
Cierre de Cerramientos Blickdomi del Hogar.
Set charging state
This action will set the charging state to Neutral, Force-Off or Force-On.
Abre las ventanas del hogar
Apertura de Cerramientos Blickdomi del Hogar.
Reboot Charger
This action will reboot the charger.
Cierra las ventanas de la habitación
Cierre de Cerramientos Blickdomi de la Habitación especificada.
Set Energy Limit
This action will set the energy limit for the current charging session.
Sube las persianas de la habitación
Set Mode
This action will set the mode of the charger.
Baja las persianas de la habitación
Bajada de Persianas de Cerramientos Blickdomi de la Habitación especificada.
Set ledring brightness
This action will set the ledring brightness.
Abre las ventanas de la habitación
Apertura de Cerramientos Blickdomi de la Habitación especificada.
Set Friendly Name
This action will set the friendly name.
Set colors
This action will set the colors for Idle, Charging and Done.
Set unlock mode
This action will set the unlock mode.
Set access control
This action will set the access control setting.
Set transaction
This action will set the transaction setting.
Set energy save mode
This action will set the led energy save mode.
Set flexible energy tariff price limit
This action will set the flexible energy tariff price limit.
Set automatic stop energy
This action will set the automatic stop energy.

Set Requested Current
This action will set the charging current.

Baja las persianas del hogar.
Bajada de Persianas del Hogar.

Pause charging
This action will pause the charging process.

Sube las persianas del hogar
Subida de Persianas del Hogar.

Start charging
This action will start the charging process.

Cierra las ventanas del hogar
Cierre de Cerramientos Blickdomi del Hogar.

Set charging state
This action will set the charging state to Neutral, Force-Off or Force-On.

Abre las ventanas del hogar
Apertura de Cerramientos Blickdomi del Hogar.

Reboot Charger
This action will reboot the charger.

Cierra las ventanas de la habitación
Cierre de Cerramientos Blickdomi de la Habitación especificada.

Set Energy Limit
This action will set the energy limit for the current charging session.

Sube las persianas de la habitación

Set Mode
This action will set the mode of the charger.

Baja las persianas de la habitación
Bajada de Persianas de Cerramientos Blickdomi de la Habitación especificada.

Set ledring brightness
This action will set the ledring brightness.

Abre las ventanas de la habitación
Apertura de Cerramientos Blickdomi de la Habitación especificada.

Set Friendly Name
This action will set the friendly name.

Set colors
This action will set the colors for Idle, Charging and Done.

Set unlock mode
This action will set the unlock mode.

Set access control
This action will set the access control setting.

Set transaction
This action will set the transaction setting.

Set energy save mode
This action will set the led energy save mode.

Set flexible energy tariff price limit
This action will set the flexible energy tariff price limit.

Set automatic stop energy
This action will set the automatic stop energy.
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