When a new Calendly meeting is booked, add the person to my SurveyMonkey contacts
Start today
Triggers (If this)
Other popular Calendly workflows and automations
Sends yourself a text message whenever a new Calendly event is scheduled
When a new Calendly event schedule is created, send the creator a signature request in DocuSign
When new Calendly event scheduled, make Luxafor device blink
Send new Calendly invitees a Google Meet video link
Create contacts in GetResponse from new Calendly events
When I get a Calendly Call, Save them as a new deal in Pipedrive
When a new event is scheduled with Calendly, make an announcement
Calendly Appointment Notification
Useful Calendly and TRIGGERcmd integrations
Triggers (If this)
Any command
This trigger fires when any command runs
New event scheduled
This trigger fires when someone schedules a new Calendly event with you.
Specific command
This trigger files when a command you choose is triggered.
Event canceled
This trigger fires when someone cancels a scheduled Calendly event with you.

Any command
This trigger fires when any command runs

New event scheduled
This trigger fires when someone schedules a new Calendly event with you.

Specific command
This trigger files when a command you choose is triggered.

Event canceled
This trigger fires when someone cancels a scheduled Calendly event with you.
Actions (Then that)
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