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Queries (With)
Actions (Then that)
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Useful Caltrain and Moodo & Moodo AIR integrations
Triggers (If this)
Moodo is started
This trigger fires when a Moodo device is started
New update
This trigger fires when there's a new update from Caltrain.
Favorite is applied for Moodo device
This triggers fires when favorite is applied for Moodo device.
Moodo is stopped
This trigger fires when Moodo is stopped
Moodo AIR is switched into Diffuser mode
This trigger fires when Moodo AIR device is switched into Diffuser mode
Moodo AIR is switched into Purifier mode
This trigger fires when Moodo AIR device is switched into Purifier mode

Moodo is started
This trigger fires when a Moodo device is started

New update
This trigger fires when there's a new update from Caltrain.

Favorite is applied for Moodo device
This triggers fires when favorite is applied for Moodo device.

Moodo is stopped
This trigger fires when Moodo is stopped

Moodo AIR is switched into Diffuser mode
This trigger fires when Moodo AIR device is switched into Diffuser mode

Moodo AIR is switched into Purifier mode
This trigger fires when Moodo AIR device is switched into Purifier mode
Queries (With)
History of favorites applied for Moodo device
This querys returns a list of when favorite was applied for Moodo device.
History of updates
This query returns a list of updates from Caltrain.
Is Purifier mode available for MoodoAir device
This query returns if there is at least one AIR capsule detected in MoodoAir device.
Is Diffuser mode available for Moodo device
This query returns if there is at least one fragrance capsule detected in Moodo device.

History of favorites applied for Moodo device
This querys returns a list of when favorite was applied for Moodo device.

History of updates
This query returns a list of updates from Caltrain.

Is Purifier mode available for MoodoAir device
This query returns if there is at least one AIR capsule detected in MoodoAir device.

Is Diffuser mode available for Moodo device
This query returns if there is at least one fragrance capsule detected in Moodo device.
Actions (Then that)
Start Moodo
This action will start your Moodo.
Stop Moodo
This action will stop your Moodo.
Kick-start Moodo
This action will start your Moodo with TOP fan power for selected period of time.
Switch Moodo AIR into Diffuser mode
This action will make Moodo AIR device to blow out fragrance instead of air purifying.
Switch Moodo AIR into Purifier mode
This action will make Moodo AIR device to purify air instead of blowing out fragrance.

Start Moodo
This action will start your Moodo.

Stop Moodo
This action will stop your Moodo.

Kick-start Moodo
This action will start your Moodo with TOP fan power for selected period of time.

Switch Moodo AIR into Diffuser mode
This action will make Moodo AIR device to blow out fragrance instead of air purifying.

Switch Moodo AIR into Purifier mode
This action will make Moodo AIR device to purify air instead of blowing out fragrance.
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