Example AI Calendar blocking Applet
Start today
Triggers (If this)
Other popular ChatGPT workflows and automations
Ask ChatGPT any question
Get a Weekly Healthy Meal Plan Delivered to Your Email by ChatGPT
Summarize CNN's Political News and Post it to Your Own Twitter acount
Automatically generate ChatGPT response to emails when you tag them #ChatGPT
Automatically tweet AI-tailored Instagram post to Twitter by using ChatGPT
Create a Calendar event a save booking information to a Google Doc
If New tweet by specific user @whalewatchalert, then quick add event to kaizenagentai@gmail.com
If New tweet by specific user @barts_future, then Send an SMS to
Useful ChatGPT and Space integrations
Triggers (If this)
Breaking news by NASA
This Trigger fires every time breaking news is released by NASA.
Image of the day by NASA
This Trigger fires every time NASA posts to the Image of the Day Gallery.
Astronomy picture of the day by NASA
This Trigger fires every time NASA posts a new Astronomy Picture of the Day.
Astronaut enters space
This Trigger fires every time an astronaut enters space.
Astronaut exits space
This Trigger fires every time an astronaut exits space.
ISS on-orbit status report
This Trigger fires every time the International Space Station posts a new On-Orbit Status Report.
Season changes on Mars
This Trigger fires every time the season changes on Mars according to the Curiosity Rover's location.

Breaking news by NASA
This Trigger fires every time breaking news is released by NASA.

Image of the day by NASA
This Trigger fires every time NASA posts to the Image of the Day Gallery.

Astronomy picture of the day by NASA
This Trigger fires every time NASA posts a new Astronomy Picture of the Day.

Astronaut enters space
This Trigger fires every time an astronaut enters space.

Astronaut exits space
This Trigger fires every time an astronaut exits space.

ISS on-orbit status report
This Trigger fires every time the International Space Station posts a new On-Orbit Status Report.

Season changes on Mars
This Trigger fires every time the season changes on Mars according to the Curiosity Rover's location.
Queries (With)
ChatGPT and Space resources

How to build an online community with the tree method
Click to learn how to build an online community with the Tree Method

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