Popular Email Digest and Space workflows and automations
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Useful Email Digest and Space integrations
Triggers (If this)
Breaking news by NASA
This Trigger fires every time breaking news is released by NASA.
Image of the day by NASA
This Trigger fires every time NASA posts to the Image of the Day Gallery.
Astronomy picture of the day by NASA
This Trigger fires every time NASA posts a new Astronomy Picture of the Day.
Astronaut enters space
This Trigger fires every time an astronaut enters space.
Astronaut exits space
This Trigger fires every time an astronaut exits space.
ISS on-orbit status report
This Trigger fires every time the International Space Station posts a new On-Orbit Status Report.
Season changes on Mars
This Trigger fires every time the season changes on Mars according to the Curiosity Rover's location.

Email Digest and Space resources

How to Make a Bloomberg.com RSS Feed with IFTTT
Click to learn how to build and automate the bloomberg.com RSS feed for free. Also learn how to automate it with 1000 services on IFTTT.

Automations for content creators
For content creators, having high quality content is only a small piece of the puzzle for success. Developing a consistent online presence is important, but the best way to show up online can depend on the type of content you create and ...

Automate Reddit 2025
Not sure where to start on "the front page of the internet?" We've rounded up our favorite connections to help you do more with Reddit.

Out of Office Automation Tips: Set It, Forget It, and Relax
IFTTT is here all-year, but the holidays can be a great time to automate your workflows and really understand the benefits of integration. As you get ready to take a step back from work, your side-hustle, or your daily tasks, consider th...

Creating a YouTube RSS with IFTTT
Click to learn how to build and automate the YouTube RSS for free. Also learn how to automate it with 1000 services on IFTTT.

Exploring the best Gmail alternatives for better email management
Best Gmail alternatives for better email management