todoist to clickup
Start today
Triggers (If this)
Actions (Then that)
Other popular ClickUp workflows and automations
Post comments to ClickUp tasks on demand from the Note Widget
Create ClickUp tasks from new iOS Reminders (& Siri)
Create new ClickUp tasks from Jira issues
Automatically create tasks in ClickUp for new Google My Business reviews
Send yourself an email with Gmail when new ClickUp tasks are created
Blink Luxafor if ClickUp task is created
Send Slack messages for new ClickUp tasks
Add tagged notes on Evernote as tasks in ClickUp
Useful ClickUp and SEG.Smart Door integrations
Triggers (If this)
This trigger fires when the gate start opening
Task created
This trigger fires when a new task has been created.
This trigger fires when the gate complete opened
Task updated
This trigger fires when a task is updated.
This trigger fires when the gate complete closed
This trigger fires when the gate start closing
SmartHub Sensor 1
This trigger fires when SmartHub sensor 1 triggered
SmartHub Sensor 2
This trigger fires when SmartHub sensor 2 triggered
SmartHub Sensor 3
This trigger fires when SmartHub sensor 3 triggered
SmartHub Sensor 4
This trigger fires when SmartHub sensor 4 triggered
This trigger fires when the gate stopped by overcurrent protection
This trigger fires when the gate stopped by safety device activated
Hall Sensor Abnormal
This trigger fires when the gate motor hall sensor broken

This trigger fires when the gate start opening

Task created
This trigger fires when a new task has been created.

This trigger fires when the gate complete opened

Task updated
This trigger fires when a task is updated.

This trigger fires when the gate complete closed

This trigger fires when the gate start closing

SmartHub Sensor 1
This trigger fires when SmartHub sensor 1 triggered

SmartHub Sensor 2
This trigger fires when SmartHub sensor 2 triggered

SmartHub Sensor 3
This trigger fires when SmartHub sensor 3 triggered

SmartHub Sensor 4
This trigger fires when SmartHub sensor 4 triggered

This trigger fires when the gate stopped by overcurrent protection

This trigger fires when the gate stopped by safety device activated

Hall Sensor Abnormal
This trigger fires when the gate motor hall sensor broken
Queries (With)
Actions (Then that)
This action will help you to open the gate.
Post a task comment
This action will post a comment on a task.
This action will help you to close the gate
Create task
This action will create a new task.
SmartHub 1
This action will help you to trigger SmartHub 1
Update task
This action will update a task.
SmartHub 2
This action will help you to trigger SmartHub 2
SmartHub 3
This action will help you to trigger SmartHub 3
SmartHub 4
This action will help you to trigger SmartHub 4

This action will help you to open the gate.

Post a task comment
This action will post a comment on a task.

This action will help you to close the gate

Create task
This action will create a new task.

SmartHub 1
This action will help you to trigger SmartHub 1

Update task
This action will update a task.

SmartHub 2
This action will help you to trigger SmartHub 2

SmartHub 3
This action will help you to trigger SmartHub 3

SmartHub 4
This action will help you to trigger SmartHub 4
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