If New reminder added to Tasks, then create a new task
Start today
Triggers (If this)
Actions (Then that)
Other popular ClickUp workflows and automations
Add new GitHub issues as ClickUp tasks
Busy Weekend Adventures
Post comments to ClickUp tasks on demand from the Note Widget
Create ClickUp tasks from new Typeform entries
Create ClickUp tasks for new appointments in Acuity Scheduling
Create ClickUp tasks for new events created in Eventbrite
Send Discord messages for new tasks in ClickUp
Create ClickUp tasks from new iOS Reminders (& Siri)
Useful ClickUp and ThingaOS integrations
Triggers (If this)
When Leak Detected
This trigger fires whenever Water Leak is detected by ThingaOS supported Z-Wave sensor.
Task created
This trigger fires when a new task has been created.
When Motion Detected
This trigger fires when motion detected by ThingaOS supported Z-Wave sensor.
Task updated
This trigger fires when a task is updated.
When FetchIt Button is Pressed
This trigger fires when fetch-it button is pressed or long pressed.
Whenever Door/Window Opened or Closed
This trigger fires whenever door/window sensor is detected by ThingaOS supported Z-Wave sensor.

When Leak Detected
This trigger fires whenever Water Leak is detected by ThingaOS supported Z-Wave sensor.

Task created
This trigger fires when a new task has been created.

When Motion Detected
This trigger fires when motion detected by ThingaOS supported Z-Wave sensor.

Task updated
This trigger fires when a task is updated.

When FetchIt Button is Pressed
This trigger fires when fetch-it button is pressed or long pressed.

Whenever Door/Window Opened or Closed
This trigger fires whenever door/window sensor is detected by ThingaOS supported Z-Wave sensor.
Queries (With)
Actions (Then that)
Turn On/Off device
This action will Turn On/Off a device that is available on ThingaOS.
Post a task comment
This action will post a comment on a task.
Activate Night Mode
The action will set Night Mode on ThigaOS devices like Light.
Create task
This action will create a new task.
Turn On/Off Siren
This action will Turn On/Off Siren for the device in ThingaOS.
Update task
This action will update a task.

Turn On/Off device
This action will Turn On/Off a device that is available on ThingaOS.

Post a task comment
This action will post a comment on a task.

Activate Night Mode
The action will set Night Mode on ThigaOS devices like Light.

Create task
This action will create a new task.

Turn On/Off Siren
This action will Turn On/Off Siren for the device in ThingaOS.

Update task
This action will update a task.
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