Log new diabetes clinical trials to a Google spreadsheet
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Triggers (If this)
Queries (With)
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Triggers (If this)
Door opens, closes or moves
This trigger fires when a door opens, closes, or moves.
New diabetes clinical trial
This trigger fires each time a diabetes clinical trial has been added or modified in the last 14 days.
Safe Door opens or closes
Fires when a safe door opens or closes.
New cancer clinical trial
This trigger fires every time there is a new clinical trial on cancer.
Smoke or CO Alarm detected
This trigger fires when an alarm sounds.
New asthma clinical trial
This trigger fires every time a clinical trial on asthma is added or modified in the last 14 days.
Temperature crosses a threshold
This trigger fires when the current temperature goes above or below your set temperature thresholds.
Water Leak detected
This trigger fires when a water leak is detected or no longer detected.
Window opens, closes or moves
This trigger fires when a window opens, closes, or moves.

Door opens, closes or moves
This trigger fires when a door opens, closes, or moves.

New diabetes clinical trial
This trigger fires each time a diabetes clinical trial has been added or modified in the last 14 days.

Safe Door opens or closes
Fires when a safe door opens or closes.

New cancer clinical trial
This trigger fires every time there is a new clinical trial on cancer.

Smoke or CO Alarm detected
This trigger fires when an alarm sounds.

New asthma clinical trial
This trigger fires every time a clinical trial on asthma is added or modified in the last 14 days.

Temperature crosses a threshold
This trigger fires when the current temperature goes above or below your set temperature thresholds.

Water Leak detected
This trigger fires when a water leak is detected or no longer detected.

Window opens, closes or moves
This trigger fires when a window opens, closes, or moves.
Queries (With)
History of cancer clinical trials
This query returns a list of every time there is a new clinical trial on cancer.
History of door opens, closes or moves
This query returns a list of when a door opens, closes, or moves.
History of diabetes clinical trials
This query returns a list of each time a diabetes clinical trial has been added or modified in the last 14 days.
History of when the smoke or CO alarm triggered
This query returns a list of when an alarm sounds.
History of asthma clinical trials
This query returns a list of every time a clinical trial on asthma is added or modified in the last 14 days.

History of cancer clinical trials
This query returns a list of every time there is a new clinical trial on cancer.

History of door opens, closes or moves
This query returns a list of when a door opens, closes, or moves.

History of diabetes clinical trials
This query returns a list of each time a diabetes clinical trial has been added or modified in the last 14 days.

History of when the smoke or CO alarm triggered
This query returns a list of when an alarm sounds.

History of asthma clinical trials
This query returns a list of every time a clinical trial on asthma is added or modified in the last 14 days.
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