Store your Strava routes in Day One
Start today
Actions (Then that)
Other popular Day One workflows and automations
Instagram pics with hashtag #journal saved to Day One
Evernoteのメモを「Day One」へ
If Tagged in Facebook Photo add to Day One
Strava Rides and Runs saved to Day One
IF screenshot THEN Day One
Reddit Upvotes to Day One
instagramで動画を投稿したら「Day One」へ
Reddit Save to Day One
Useful Day One and Gogogate integrations
Actions (Then that)
Open door
This Action will open the garage door you specify. If the garage door is already opened, the door will remain opened. This Action will only work with "garage mode". Remote access must be enabled.
Create Journal Entry
This Action will create a new Journal entry in the Journal you specify.
Close door
This Action will close the garage door you specify. If the garage door is already closed, the door will remain closed. This Action will only work with "garage mode". Remote access must be enabled.

Open door
This Action will open the garage door you specify. If the garage door is already opened, the door will remain opened. This Action will only work with "garage mode". Remote access must be enabled.

Create Journal Entry
This Action will create a new Journal entry in the Journal you specify.

Close door
This Action will close the garage door you specify. If the garage door is already closed, the door will remain closed. This Action will only work with "garage mode". Remote access must be enabled.
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