Connect Day One to Twitter and unlock powerful automations

Popular Day One and Twitter workflows and automations

Useful Day One and Twitter integrations

Day One and Twitter resources

How to automate your Twitter account

How to automate your Twitter account

Interested in automating Twitter? Click to learn how to automate your Twitter account!

Top Spotify integrations with IFTTT

Top Spotify integrations with IFTTT

Don't stand by while millions are revolutionizing their listening experience. IFTTT offers thousands of automations that can help take your Spotify to the next level.

Introducing the IFTTT Automation Assistant GPT

Introducing the IFTTT Automation Assistant GPT

Introducing the IFTTT Assistant GPT - ChatGPT tool

Guide to organizing and saving articles

Guide to organizing and saving articles

Become the most productive person in the room by creating the Ultimate Calendar Automation Applet.

Top YouTube automations with IFTTT

Top YouTube automations with IFTTT

By connecting IFTTT and YouTube for free, you can gain access to hundreds of new features, like automatically sharing videos, getting custom notifications, and personalized recommendations.

The 25 best IFTTT Applets: Revolutionizing your digital workflow

The 25 best IFTTT Applets: Revolutionizing your digital workflow

It's time to optimize your workflow, simplify your routine, and boost your productivity. With [IFTTT]( our Applets are the heroes of digital productivity. These pre-packaged automations connect over 1000 differ...

How to connect your first Applet

How to connect your first Applet

Learn how to connect your first automation, called an Applet, on IFTTT. There are two easy ways to create Applets and integrate your favorite services. Find an Applet in our vast library or make your own custom Applet in a few quick and ...

Ultimate social media cross-posting Applet

Ultimate social media cross-posting Applet

IFTTT is the world's best social media cross-posting tool. You can create an Applet that automatically shares posts from from platform to multiple other platforms. Join IFTTT to create your own ultimate social media cross-posting Applet.

Optimize your notifications

Optimize your notifications

In the time that you have read this sentence, you have likely received at least one notification. The reminders that pop up on our phones, wearables, computer screens, and other smart devices are helpful ways to know when you have an upc...

IFTTT helps all your apps and devices work better together