Popular Button widget and Email Digest workflows and automations
Track potential wedding pic locations in an email
Keep track of where you were today
Keep track of where you were this week
Useful Button widget and Email Digest integrations
Triggers (If this)
Button widget and Email Digest resources

How to make an inspiration notebook, journal, or vision board 2024
Inspiration can come from anywhere at any time. Make it count with automations that help you remember your thoughts, and keep track of your best ideas. You can create documents in Google Workspace, Evernote, on Tumblr, or with a bookmark...

Top 24 Productivity Hacks 2025: How to be more Productive
You are more productive with IFTTT. The ability to create workflows, routines, and automate repetitive tasks make it easier to spend time doing the things that you love with the people who matter most. Click to learn the top 24 productiv...

How to Aggregate and Customize News
IFTTT is one of the best apps and web services available for news aggregation, personalization, or social media monitoring. Applets are the easiest way to automate and customize your news collection and information sharing. Get started w...