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Triggers (If this)
Queries (With)
Actions (Then that)
Other popular Elektrum workflows and automations
Pielāgo iRobot uzlādi elektroenerģijas cenai
If current electricity price in area is below 90 EUR/MWh, then activate \"Boiler\":Switch 1:ON
Uzzini pirmais par elektrības cenas izmaiņām Latvijā
Useful Elektrum and Sengled integrations
Triggers (If this)
Motion Detected
This Trigger fires when your Snap device detects motion.
The price of electricity changes
This trigger fires hourly when electricity price changes
door sensor opened
This trigger fires every time your Sengled Door Sensor is opened.
Current price exceeds threshold
This trigger fires when current electricity price exceeds threshold
door sensor closed
This trigger fires every time your Sengled Door Sensor is closed.

Motion Detected
This Trigger fires when your Snap device detects motion.

The price of electricity changes
This trigger fires hourly when electricity price changes

door sensor opened
This trigger fires every time your Sengled Door Sensor is opened.

Current price exceeds threshold
This trigger fires when current electricity price exceeds threshold

door sensor closed
This trigger fires every time your Sengled Door Sensor is closed.
Queries (With)
History of door sensor closed
This query returns a list of when your Sengled Door Sensor was closed.
Electricity price list
Day-ahead prices represent the result of Nord Pool’s day-ahead implicit auction market.
Peak = 09:00 to 20:00
Off peak 1 = 01:00 to 08:00
Off peak 2 = 21:00 to 24:00
Average = arithmetic average
History of door sensor opened
This query returns a list of when your Sengled Door Sensor was opened.

History of door sensor closed
This query returns a list of when your Sengled Door Sensor was closed.

Electricity price list
Day-ahead prices represent the result of Nord Pool’s day-ahead implicit auction market.
Peak = 09:00 to 20:00
Off peak 1 = 01:00 to 08:00
Off peak 2 = 21:00 to 24:00
Average = arithmetic average

History of door sensor opened
This query returns a list of when your Sengled Door Sensor was opened.
Actions (Then that)
Turn off lights
This Action will turn off your sengled lights.
Turn on lights
This Action will turn on your sengled lights.
Toggle lights on/off
This Action will toggle your lights on or off.
Set brightness
This Action will set your lights to a specified brightness.
Change color
This Action will change your lights to a specified color.
Change color temperature
This Action will change your lights to specified color temperature.
Turn on plug
This action will turn on your plug.
Turn off plug
This action will turn off your plug.
Toggle plug on/off
This action will toggle your plug.

Turn off lights
This Action will turn off your sengled lights.

Turn on lights
This Action will turn on your sengled lights.

Toggle lights on/off
This Action will toggle your lights on or off.

Set brightness
This Action will set your lights to a specified brightness.

Change color
This Action will change your lights to a specified color.

Change color temperature
This Action will change your lights to specified color temperature.

Turn on plug
This action will turn on your plug.

Turn off plug
This action will turn off your plug.

Toggle plug on/off
This action will toggle your plug.
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