Save screenshots you take on your iPhone to a notebook
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Triggers (If this)
Actions (Then that)
Other popular Evernote workflows and automations
Add to a note in Evernote
Automatically create a Trello card when you add a new note to a specific notebook
Todoist-IFTTT Hack
Save links you post on Facebook to Evernote
Automatically sync your Pocket articles to Evernote
Send Instapaper highlights to Evernote
Upload Android screenshots to an Evernote notebook
Create a bibliography of articles archived from Pocket in Evernote.
Useful Evernote and LUXORliving integrations
Triggers (If this)
Switch gets triggered
This trigger fires when the selected switch is activated.
New note in a notebook
This Trigger fires every time you create a new note in a specific notebook.
Blind gets triggered
This trigger fires when the selected blind is activated.
Add a specific tag to note
This Trigger fires every time you add a specific tag to any of your notes.
Dimmer gets triggered
This trigger fires when the selected dimmer is activated.
Scene gets triggered
This trigger fires when the selected scene trigger is activated.
Temperature drops below
This Trigger fires every time the temperature drops below a value you specify.
Wind alarm not detected
This Trigger fires every time your Theben LX Weatherstation detects no wind alarm.
Wind alarm detected
This Trigger fires every time your Theben LX Weatherstation detects wind alarm.
Rain not detected
This Trigger fires every time your Theben LX Weatherstation detects that it is not raining.
Frost alarm not detected
This Trigger fires every time your Theben LX Weatherstation detects no frost alarm.
Frost alarm detected
This Trigger fires every time your Theben LX Weatherstation detects frost alarm.
Rain detected
This Trigger fires every time your Theben LX Weatherstation detects that it is raining.
Temperature rises above
This Trigger fires every time the temperature rises above a value you specify.

Switch gets triggered
This trigger fires when the selected switch is activated.

New note in a notebook
This Trigger fires every time you create a new note in a specific notebook.

Blind gets triggered
This trigger fires when the selected blind is activated.

Add a specific tag to note
This Trigger fires every time you add a specific tag to any of your notes.

Dimmer gets triggered
This trigger fires when the selected dimmer is activated.

Scene gets triggered
This trigger fires when the selected scene trigger is activated.

Temperature drops below
This Trigger fires every time the temperature drops below a value you specify.

Wind alarm not detected
This Trigger fires every time your Theben LX Weatherstation detects no wind alarm.

Wind alarm detected
This Trigger fires every time your Theben LX Weatherstation detects wind alarm.

Rain not detected
This Trigger fires every time your Theben LX Weatherstation detects that it is not raining.

Frost alarm not detected
This Trigger fires every time your Theben LX Weatherstation detects no frost alarm.

Frost alarm detected
This Trigger fires every time your Theben LX Weatherstation detects frost alarm.

Rain detected
This Trigger fires every time your Theben LX Weatherstation detects that it is raining.

Temperature rises above
This Trigger fires every time the temperature rises above a value you specify.
Actions (Then that)
Create a note
This Action will create a new note in the notebook you specify.
This action will switch the state of a device.
Append to note
This Action will append to a note as determined by its title and notebook. Once a note’s size reaches 2MB a new note will be created.
This action will change the brightness of the specified device.
Append a to-do to note
This Action will append a to-do checkbox to a note as determined by its title and notebook. Once a note’s size reaches 2MB a new note will be created.
This action will change the position of your selected shading device
Create a link note
This Action will create a new link note from a source URL in the notebook you specify.
This action will call a scene.
Create image note from URL
This Action will create a new note with an image attachment in the notebook you specify.
Create an audio note from URL
This Action will create a new note with an audio attachment in the notebook you specify.

Create a note
This Action will create a new note in the notebook you specify.

This action will switch the state of a device.

Append to note
This Action will append to a note as determined by its title and notebook. Once a note’s size reaches 2MB a new note will be created.

This action will change the brightness of the specified device.

Append a to-do to note
This Action will append a to-do checkbox to a note as determined by its title and notebook. Once a note’s size reaches 2MB a new note will be created.

This action will change the position of your selected shading device

Create a link note
This Action will create a new link note from a source URL in the notebook you specify.

This action will call a scene.

Create image note from URL
This Action will create a new note with an image attachment in the notebook you specify.

Create an audio note from URL
This Action will create a new note with an audio attachment in the notebook you specify.
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