When NASA posting a new astronomy picture of the day, send me a notification
Start today
Triggers (If this)
Actions (Then that)
Other popular Notifications workflows and automations
Arlo Low Battery Notification
Receive a notification when the U.S. President signs a new bill into law
Get the weather forecast every day at 7:00 AM
Send notification when new calendar event is added
Get notified of new IFTTT updatesby
Sunset Notification
Get a notification every time you come home
Before go to sleep, get the weather for the next day!
Useful Notifications and LUXORliving integrations
Triggers (If this)
Switch gets triggered
This trigger fires when the selected switch is activated.
Blind gets triggered
This trigger fires when the selected blind is activated.
Dimmer gets triggered
This trigger fires when the selected dimmer is activated.
Scene gets triggered
This trigger fires when the selected scene trigger is activated.
Temperature drops below
This Trigger fires every time the temperature drops below a value you specify.
Wind alarm not detected
This Trigger fires every time your Theben LX Weatherstation detects no wind alarm.
Wind alarm detected
This Trigger fires every time your Theben LX Weatherstation detects wind alarm.
Rain not detected
This Trigger fires every time your Theben LX Weatherstation detects that it is not raining.
Frost alarm not detected
This Trigger fires every time your Theben LX Weatherstation detects no frost alarm.
Frost alarm detected
This Trigger fires every time your Theben LX Weatherstation detects frost alarm.
Rain detected
This Trigger fires every time your Theben LX Weatherstation detects that it is raining.
Temperature rises above
This Trigger fires every time the temperature rises above a value you specify.

Switch gets triggered
This trigger fires when the selected switch is activated.

Blind gets triggered
This trigger fires when the selected blind is activated.

Dimmer gets triggered
This trigger fires when the selected dimmer is activated.

Scene gets triggered
This trigger fires when the selected scene trigger is activated.

Temperature drops below
This Trigger fires every time the temperature drops below a value you specify.

Wind alarm not detected
This Trigger fires every time your Theben LX Weatherstation detects no wind alarm.

Wind alarm detected
This Trigger fires every time your Theben LX Weatherstation detects wind alarm.

Rain not detected
This Trigger fires every time your Theben LX Weatherstation detects that it is not raining.

Frost alarm not detected
This Trigger fires every time your Theben LX Weatherstation detects no frost alarm.

Frost alarm detected
This Trigger fires every time your Theben LX Weatherstation detects frost alarm.

Rain detected
This Trigger fires every time your Theben LX Weatherstation detects that it is raining.

Temperature rises above
This Trigger fires every time the temperature rises above a value you specify.
Actions (Then that)
This action will switch the state of a device.
Send a notification from the IFTTT app
This action will send a notification to your devices from the IFTTT app.
This action will change the brightness of the specified device.
Send a rich notification from the IFTTT app
This action will send a rich notification to your devices from the IFTTT app. Rich notifications may include a title, image, and link that opens in a browser or installed app.
This action will change the position of your selected shading device
Send a rich notification to the IFTTT mobile widget
This action will send a rich notification to IFTTT mobile widget installed on your devices. Rich notifications may include a title, image, and link that opens in a browser or installed app.
This action will call a scene.

This action will switch the state of a device.

Send a notification from the IFTTT app
This action will send a notification to your devices from the IFTTT app.

This action will change the brightness of the specified device.

Send a rich notification from the IFTTT app
This action will send a rich notification to your devices from the IFTTT app. Rich notifications may include a title, image, and link that opens in a browser or installed app.

This action will change the position of your selected shading device

Send a rich notification to the IFTTT mobile widget
This action will send a rich notification to IFTTT mobile widget installed on your devices. Rich notifications may include a title, image, and link that opens in a browser or installed app.

This action will call a scene.
IFTTT helps all your apps and devices work better together