When it starts to rain, close my garage door
Start today
Queries (With)
Actions (Then that)
Other popular Gogogate workflows and automations
Close your garage door
Open your garage door
Open garage door 3 every day at specific time
Opens the gate every day at 6:30am.
If you say "Okay Google, activate Open Double Garage Door", then Open Double
Open Main Gate at 6am
When I arrive at my house, open my garage door
auto door close
Useful Gogogate and Logitech POP integrations
Triggers (If this)
Queries (With)
History of Long Button Presses
This query returns a list of events when you long pressed on the configured Logi Button.
History of double presses
This query returns a list of times when you do a double press on the configured Logi Button.
History of Short Button Presses
This query returns a list of times when you do a short press on the configured Logi Button.

History of Long Button Presses
This query returns a list of events when you long pressed on the configured Logi Button.

History of double presses
This query returns a list of times when you do a double press on the configured Logi Button.

History of Short Button Presses
This query returns a list of times when you do a short press on the configured Logi Button.
Actions (Then that)
Open door
This Action will open the garage door you specify. If the garage door is already opened, the door will remain opened. This Action will only work with "garage mode". Remote access must be enabled.
Close door
This Action will close the garage door you specify. If the garage door is already closed, the door will remain closed. This Action will only work with "garage mode". Remote access must be enabled.

Open door
This Action will open the garage door you specify. If the garage door is already opened, the door will remain opened. This Action will only work with "garage mode". Remote access must be enabled.

Close door
This Action will close the garage door you specify. If the garage door is already closed, the door will remain closed. This Action will only work with "garage mode". Remote access must be enabled.
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