[ACCV2] Shutdown computer (Google Drive)
Start today
Actions (Then that)
Other popular Google Assistant workflows and automations
Ask Google Home to set the Nefit Easy thermostat
If you say "Okay Google, activate The big sad", then add track to playback queue
Open the Gate/Door via Google Assistant V2
Create an event on your iPhone's calendar with Google Assistant
Google Assistant to Adafruit
Assistant Stop Harmony Activity
Close the Gate/Door via Google Assistant V2
Use your voice to find or call your device
Useful Google Assistant and OSUM SMART integrations
Triggers (If this)
Actions (Then that)
Switch On
This action will switch on SL-BUS Device.
Switch Off
This action will switch off SL-BUS Device.
Set Level to
Sets Level of a SL-BUS Device to specific value
Execute Scene
Execute preconfigured SL-BUS scene
Open the SL-BUS Curtain
Close the SL-BUS Curtain
Door Open
Open the SL-BUS Door

Switch On
This action will switch on SL-BUS Device.

Switch Off
This action will switch off SL-BUS Device.

Set Level to
Sets Level of a SL-BUS Device to specific value

Execute Scene
Execute preconfigured SL-BUS scene

Open the SL-BUS Curtain

Close the SL-BUS Curtain

Door Open
Open the SL-BUS Door
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