say "Ok Google, activer la machine à café", then send IFTTTriggercaf action to your Alexa device
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Other popular Google Assistant workflows and automations
Tell Google Assistant to arm your Arlo
Use your voice to raise your Android's ringtone volume
Create an event on your iPhone's calendar with Google Assistant
If you say "Okay Google, activate Выключи компьютер", then Switch on
If you say "Okay Google, inserisci antifurto totale", then Send an SMS to +393534169479
If you say "Okay Google, open gate", then Open House Gate
Close the Gate/Door via Google Assistant V2
[ACCv2] Shutdown Computer (Dropbox)
Useful Google Assistant and weara integrations
Triggers (If this)
トリプルタッチwearaアプリ内の[コマンド設定]でIFTTTを選択したうえで、weara COREのトップタッチセンサーを3回タッチすると、このトリガーが発動します。
Activate sceneThis Trigger activates a named scene when you say "Ok Google, activate [Scene Name]".
起床weara COREで起床が検知された時に、トリガーが発動します。
入眠weara COREで入眠が検知された時に、トリガーが発動します。
Google Assistant and weara resources

Best smart lights and automatic home lighting (2025)
Click to learn about the best smart lights and automatic home lighting (2025).

What is Noonlight? + Automations for maximum safety
Curious about Noonlight? Click to learn what is Noonlight and automations for maximum safety.

Top ten apps of 2023
We have somehow made it to the end of the year two thousand and twenty one, which is a perfect time to take a look at the apps you are using on a regular basis. Take a look at our favorite apps of the year to see how you can use them to ...
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