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Google Drive
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Other popular Google Drive workflows and automations
Automatically sync new files added to Dropbox to your Google Drive
Sharing Google Calendar to Google docs
Remote download to Google Drive
Save photos posted to FB Page in Google Drive
Upload my iPhone screenshots to Google Drive
Do Google Drive para a caixa de entrada do Nibo
Nibo Empresa
Backup Flickr to Google Drive
Download a liked file from YouTube to GoogleDrive
Blogger to G Drive
Useful Google Drive and INSTAR integrations
Triggers (If this)
New file in your folder
This trigger fires every time a new file is added to the Google Drive folder you specify. Note: Does not work for Google Docs, Forms, or Sheets files.
Cloud storage will expire
This trigger fires when your INSTAR Cloud storage plan is coming close to it's expiration.
New file from search in your folder
This trigger fires every time a new file matches your search query in a Google Drive folder. Note: only works for files created after the Applet is turned on.
Cloud storage is full
This trigger fires when your Cloud storage reaches it's maximum capacity.
New photo in your folder
This trigger fires every time any new photo is saved in the Google Drive folder you specify. Note: only works for photos created after the Applet is turned on.
Too many false alarms
This trigger fires when you have more than 500 alarm videos of which more than 80% are recognized as false alarms.
New video in your folder
This trigger fires every time a new video is saved in the Google Drive folder you specify. Note: only works for videos created after the Applet is turned on.
Too many alarm uploads
This trigger fires when the amount of alarm uploads per day exceeds a specific number.
New starred file in folder
This trigger fires every time a new file is starred in a specified Google Drive folder. Note: only works for files created and starred after the Applet is turned on.
Queries (With)
History of photos uploaded in your folder
This query returns a list of recent photos saved in the Google Drive folder you specify.
List all cameras
This query returns a list of all cameras in INSTAR Cloud.
History of files uploaded in your folder
This query returns a list of recent files added to the Google Drive folder you specify.
History of files starred in folder
This query returns a list of recent files starred in a specified Google Drive folder.
History of files from search uploaded in your folder
This query returns a list of recent files that matches your search query in a Google Drive folder.
History of videos uploaded in your folder
This query returns a list of recent videos saved in the Google Drive folder you specify.
Actions (Then that)
Turn on motion detection
This action will turn on your camera's motion detection.
Upload file from URL
This action will download a file at a given URL and add it to Google Drive at the path you specify. NOTE: 100 MB file size limit.
Turn off motion detection
This action will turn off your camera's motion detection.
Turn on alarm email
This action will turn on your camera's alarm email notification.
Turn off alarm email
This action will turn off your camera‘s alarm email notification.
Turn camera to a preset position
This action will allow you to turn your pan&tilt camera to a specific preset position.
Switch alarm areas
This action will allow you to turn your camera's motion detection areas on or off.
Set the alarm area sensitivity
This action will adjust the sensitivity of your camera's motion detection areas.
Turn on Cloud alarm email
This action will turn on the Cloud alarm email notification.
Turn off Cloud alarm email
This action will turn off the Cloud alarm email notification.
Receive a Cloud status email
This action will send an email with the number of alarm uploads today.
Alarm trigger and video upload
This action will trigger an alarm recording and upload to your Cloud account.
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