Popular Google Drive and Instagram workflows and automations
Backup Instagram photos
Hashtag Instagram
Save your Instagrams to Google Drive
Save my Instagram videos to Google Drive
instagram 2 google drive - my new video
Instagram Video to Google Drive
Save your new Instagram photos to Google Drive
Useful Google Drive and Instagram integrations
Triggers (If this)
New file in your folder
This trigger fires every time a new file is added to the Google Drive folder you specify. Note: Does not work for Google Docs, Forms, or Sheets files.
Any new photo by you
This Trigger fires every time you share any new photo on Instagram.
New file from search in your folder
This trigger fires every time a new file matches your search query in a Google Drive folder. Note: only works for files created after the Applet is turned on.
New photo by you with specific hashtag
This Trigger fires every time you share a photo on Instagram with a hashtag you specify.
New photo in your folder
This trigger fires every time any new photo is saved in the Google Drive folder you specify. Note: only works for photos created after the Applet is turned on.
Any new video by you
This Trigger fires every time you share any new video on Instagram.
New video in your folder
This trigger fires every time a new video is saved in the Google Drive folder you specify. Note: only works for videos created after the Applet is turned on.
New video by you with specific hashtag
This Trigger fires every time you share a video on Instagram with the hashtag you specify.
New starred file in folder
This trigger fires every time a new file is starred in a specified Google Drive folder. Note: only works for files created and starred after the Applet is turned on.

Queries (With)
History of photos uploaded in your folder
This query returns a list of recent photos saved in the Google Drive folder you specify.
History of files uploaded in your folder
This query returns a list of recent files added to the Google Drive folder you specify.
History of files starred in folder
This query returns a list of recent files starred in a specified Google Drive folder.
History of files from search uploaded in your folder
This query returns a list of recent files that matches your search query in a Google Drive folder.
History of videos uploaded in your folder
This query returns a list of recent videos saved in the Google Drive folder you specify.

Google Drive and Instagram resources

Top YouTube automations with IFTTT
By connecting IFTTT and YouTube for free, you can gain access to hundreds of new features, like automatically sharing videos, getting custom notifications, and personalized recommendations.

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