When a song is added to a Spotify playlist, song details appended to Google Sheet
Start today
Triggers (If this)
Queries (With)
Actions (Then that)
Other popular Google Sheets workflows and automations
Automatically save your Strava activities to a Google spreadsheet
Add a new row to Google Sheets for all new files in Dropbox folder
Put all your completed tasks in a Google Spreadsheet
Log your Facebook status updates in Google Drive spreadsheet
Add new ClickUp tasks to a Google Sheets spreadsheet
Sync all your new iOS Contacts to a Google Spreadsheet
Create a new row in Google Sheets every time someone mentions your business on Twitter
Track your daily Fitbit activity in a Google spreadsheet
Useful Google Sheets and WeBeHome - Security and Smart Home integrations
Triggers (If this)
New spreadsheet added to folder
This trigger fires when a new spreadsheet is added to a Google Drive folder you specify. Note: only works for spreadsheets created after the Applet turned on.
Triggers when the selected sensor is opened
New worksheet in spreadsheet
This trigger fires when a new worksheet is added to a spreadsheet you specify.
New row added to spreadsheet
This trigger fires when a new row is added to a spreadsheet you specify.
Cell updated in spreadsheet
This trigger fires when a particular cell is updated within the spreadsheet you specify.

New spreadsheet added to folder
This trigger fires when a new spreadsheet is added to a Google Drive folder you specify. Note: only works for spreadsheets created after the Applet turned on.

Triggers when the selected sensor is opened

New worksheet in spreadsheet
This trigger fires when a new worksheet is added to a spreadsheet you specify.

New row added to spreadsheet
This trigger fires when a new row is added to a spreadsheet you specify.

Cell updated in spreadsheet
This trigger fires when a particular cell is updated within the spreadsheet you specify.
Queries (With)
Current values of a row
This query returns the current values in a given row. Values from columns A-Z are available as ingredients.
Current value of a cell
This query returns the current value of a single cell in your spreadsheet.
History of rows added to spreadsheet
This query returns a list of when a new row is added to a spreadsheet you specify.
History of when Cell was updated in spreadsheet
This query returns a list of when a particular cell was updated within the spreadsheet you specify.
History of spreadsheets added to folder
This query returns a list of when a new spreadsheet is added to a Google Drive folder you specify. Note: only works for spreadsheets created after the Applet turned on.
History of worksheets in spreadsheet
This query returns a list of when a new worksheet is added to a spreadsheet you specify.

Current values of a row
This query returns the current values in a given row. Values from columns A-Z are available as ingredients.

Current value of a cell
This query returns the current value of a single cell in your spreadsheet.

History of rows added to spreadsheet
This query returns a list of when a new row is added to a spreadsheet you specify.

History of when Cell was updated in spreadsheet
This query returns a list of when a particular cell was updated within the spreadsheet you specify.

History of spreadsheets added to folder
This query returns a list of when a new spreadsheet is added to a Google Drive folder you specify. Note: only works for spreadsheets created after the Applet turned on.

History of worksheets in spreadsheet
This query returns a list of when a new worksheet is added to a spreadsheet you specify.
Actions (Then that)
Start Scenario Action Set
Start a Scenario Action Set. Define in WeBeHome what it should do.
Update cell in spreadsheet
This action will update a single cell in the first worksheet of a spreadsheet you specify. Note: a new spreadsheet is created if the file doesn't exist.
Copenhagen Blind
This action will move and tilt a Copenhagen Blind
Add row to spreadsheet
This action will add a single row to the bottom of the first worksheet of a spreadsheet you specify. Note: a new spreadsheet is created after 2000 rows.
Turn on/off a switch
Dim a dimmer

Start Scenario Action Set
Start a Scenario Action Set. Define in WeBeHome what it should do.

Update cell in spreadsheet
This action will update a single cell in the first worksheet of a spreadsheet you specify. Note: a new spreadsheet is created if the file doesn't exist.

Copenhagen Blind
This action will move and tilt a Copenhagen Blind

Add row to spreadsheet
This action will add a single row to the bottom of the first worksheet of a spreadsheet you specify. Note: a new spreadsheet is created after 2000 rows.

Turn on/off a switch

Dim a dimmer
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