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Quickly connect Honeywell Total Connect Comfort to Alexa Voice Monkey
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Honeywell Total Connect Comfort
Alexa Voice Monkey
and unlock powerful automations
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Other popular Honeywell Total Connect Comfort workflows and automations
Thermostat Resume Schedule (On the hour)
Honeywell Total Connect Comfort
Average Price Change - Honeywell - Part 1: Set Honeywell Thermostat when price is high
When tag is back to normal range, turn off heat and AC
Wireless Tag
Connect ComEd to Honeywell to unlock powerful experiences
Peak Time Savings (PTS) - Honeywell - Part 3: Set Honeywell Home Setpoint when PTS hours complete
When tag is too cold, turn on heat
Wireless Tag
When tag is too hot, turn on AC
Wireless Tag
Every day at 6pm set your thermostat to 72° Fahrenheit for 2 hours
When a device connects to OnHub set Honeywell thermostat temperature
Useful Honeywell Total Connect Comfort and Alexa Voice Monkey integrations
Queries (With)
My monkeys
This query returns a list of your current Monkeys.
Actions (Then that)
Set temperature to a permanent hold
This Action will set your Honeywell thermostat to permanently hold the specified temperature until you change it.
Trigger Monkey (Routine)
This action will trigger the Monkey you specify including any parameters you set. Use it to trigger Alexa routines!
Set temperature for a period of time
This Action will set your Honeywell thermostat to hold a temperature for a specified period of time. The schedule will resume when the time expires.
Display video
This action will send a video to your screen enabled Alexa/Echo device. Ensure you open the Voice Monkey Skill as the final action in your routine. Your videos must be in MP4 format, hosted on a publicly accessible host with an https URL.
Resume programmed schedule
This Action will set your Honeywell thermostat to resume the currently defined thermostat programmed schedule.
Display image
This action will send an image to your screen enabled Alexa/Echo device. Ensure you open the Voice Monkey Skill as the final action in your routine. Images must be hosted on a publicly accessible host with an https URL.
Set fan to on or auto
This Action will set the Honeywell thermostat fan to On where the fan is always on or Auto where the fan runs only when the heating or cooling system is on.
Make announcement
This action will make an announcement on your Alexa/Echo device using the text you supply. Ensure you open the Voice Monkey Skill as the final action in your routine. Text can be dynamic e.g. an ingredient from another IFTTT event or applet.
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