Start today
Triggers (If this)
Actions (Then that)
Other popular SmartThings workflows and automations
Turn On a SmartThings device at sunset
Disarm When Present
Activate SmartThings Siren When Alarm is Triggered
When, "Garage Door" closes, turn off Smartthings Device.
Unlock Door
Log when Mobile Presence Leaves
Smart Life to Smartthings Lights/Outlets (Turn Off)
When Roomba® starts cleaning, turn on a SmartThings device.
Useful SmartThings and Alexa Voice Monkey integrations
Triggers (If this)
Switched on
This Trigger fires every time your SmartThings device is switched on.
Switched off
This Trigger fires every time your SmartThings device is switched off.
This Trigger fires every time your SmartThings device is opened.
This Trigger fires every time your SmartThings device is closed.
This Trigger fires every time your SmartThings device is locked.
This Trigger fire every time your SmartThings device is unlocked.
Any new motion
This Trigger fires every time your SmartThings device senses motion.
Presence detected
This Trigger fires every time your SmartThings device's presence is detected.
Presence no longer detected
This Trigger fires every time your SmartThings device's presence is no longer detected.
Temperature rises above
This Trigger fires every time your SmartThings device detects temperatures above a value you specify.
Temperature drops below
This Trigger fires every time your SmartThings device detects temperatures below a value you specify.
Humidity rises above
This Trigger fires every time your SmartThings device detects humidity above a value you specify.
Humidity drops below
This Trigger fires every time your SmartThings device detects humidity below a value you specify.
Moisture detected
This Trigger fires every time your SmartThings device detects moisture.
Brightness rises above
This Trigger fires every time the your SmartThings device detects brightness above a value you specify.
Brightness drops below
This Trigger fires every time the your SmartThings device detects brightness below a value you specify.

Switched on
This Trigger fires every time your SmartThings device is switched on.

Switched off
This Trigger fires every time your SmartThings device is switched off.

This Trigger fires every time your SmartThings device is opened.

This Trigger fires every time your SmartThings device is closed.

This Trigger fires every time your SmartThings device is locked.

This Trigger fire every time your SmartThings device is unlocked.

Any new motion
This Trigger fires every time your SmartThings device senses motion.

Presence detected
This Trigger fires every time your SmartThings device's presence is detected.

Presence no longer detected
This Trigger fires every time your SmartThings device's presence is no longer detected.

Temperature rises above
This Trigger fires every time your SmartThings device detects temperatures above a value you specify.

Temperature drops below
This Trigger fires every time your SmartThings device detects temperatures below a value you specify.

Humidity rises above
This Trigger fires every time your SmartThings device detects humidity above a value you specify.

Humidity drops below
This Trigger fires every time your SmartThings device detects humidity below a value you specify.

Moisture detected
This Trigger fires every time your SmartThings device detects moisture.

Brightness rises above
This Trigger fires every time the your SmartThings device detects brightness above a value you specify.

Brightness drops below
This Trigger fires every time the your SmartThings device detects brightness below a value you specify.
Actions (Then that)
Switch on
This Action will turn on your SmartThings devices that support switching on.
Trigger Monkey (Routine)
This action will trigger the Monkey you specify including any parameters you set.
Use it to trigger Alexa routines!
Switch off
This Action will turn off your SmartThings devices that support switching off.
Display video
This action will send a video to your screen enabled Alexa/Echo device.
Ensure you open the Voice Monkey Skill as the final action in your routine.
Your videos must be in MP4 format, hosted on a publicly accessible host with an https URL.
This Action will lock your SmartThings devices that support locking.
Display image
This action will send an image to your screen enabled Alexa/Echo device.
Ensure you open the Voice Monkey Skill as the final action in your routine.
Images must be hosted on a publicly accessible host with an https URL.
This Action will unlock your SmartThings devices that support unlocking.
Make announcement
This action will make an announcement on your Alexa/Echo device using the text you supply.
Ensure you open the Voice Monkey Skill as the final action in your routine.
Text can be dynamic e.g. an ingredient from another IFTTT event or applet.
Activate siren/strobe
This Action will activate your SmartThings alerting device's siren and/or strobe.
Deactivate siren/strobe
This Action will deactivate your SmartThings alerting device's siren and/or strobe.

Switch on
This Action will turn on your SmartThings devices that support switching on.

Trigger Monkey (Routine)
This action will trigger the Monkey you specify including any parameters you set.
Use it to trigger Alexa routines!

Switch off
This Action will turn off your SmartThings devices that support switching off.

Display video
This action will send a video to your screen enabled Alexa/Echo device.
Ensure you open the Voice Monkey Skill as the final action in your routine.
Your videos must be in MP4 format, hosted on a publicly accessible host with an https URL.

This Action will lock your SmartThings devices that support locking.

Display image
This action will send an image to your screen enabled Alexa/Echo device.
Ensure you open the Voice Monkey Skill as the final action in your routine.
Images must be hosted on a publicly accessible host with an https URL.

This Action will unlock your SmartThings devices that support unlocking.

Make announcement
This action will make an announcement on your Alexa/Echo device using the text you supply.
Ensure you open the Voice Monkey Skill as the final action in your routine.
Text can be dynamic e.g. an ingredient from another IFTTT event or applet.

Activate siren/strobe
This Action will activate your SmartThings alerting device's siren and/or strobe.

Deactivate siren/strobe
This Action will deactivate your SmartThings alerting device's siren and/or strobe.
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