Post your Instagram videos to Twitter
Start today
Triggers (If this)
Other popular Instagram workflows and automations
Save your Instagram photos in Evernote
Set your Android phone wallpaper with your latest Instagram photo
Every time you post a new Instagram photo, share it to a Telegram chat
Publish a post on your Weebly blog if you upload a photo to Instagram
Save your Instagrams to Google Drive
Create Google My Business posts from new Instagram photo posts
tweet my instagram video
Save photos you share on Instagram to Amazon Cloud Drive
Useful Instagram and TED Radio Hour Podcast integrations
Triggers (If this)
Any new photo by you
This Trigger fires every time you share any new photo on Instagram.
New Episode
This trigger fires when there is a new episode available for the "TED Radio Hour" Podcast from NPR
New photo by you with specific hashtag
This Trigger fires every time you share a photo on Instagram with a hashtag you specify.
Any new video by you
This Trigger fires every time you share any new video on Instagram.
New video by you with specific hashtag
This Trigger fires every time you share a video on Instagram with the hashtag you specify.

Any new photo by you
This Trigger fires every time you share any new photo on Instagram.

New Episode
This trigger fires when there is a new episode available for the "TED Radio Hour" Podcast from NPR

New photo by you with specific hashtag
This Trigger fires every time you share a photo on Instagram with a hashtag you specify.

Any new video by you
This Trigger fires every time you share any new video on Instagram.

New video by you with specific hashtag
This Trigger fires every time you share a video on Instagram with the hashtag you specify.
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