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Scout Alarm
and unlock powerful automations
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Other popular iotics workflows and automations
Turn Off All Devices When a Switch is Turned Off
Shortcut-Activated Device Switch
Proximity Power-Up
Turn On a Specific Device When a Switch is Turned On
Turn Off a Specific Device When a Switch is Turned Off
Send an Email Alert When a Switch is Turned Off
Missed Call Device Activator
Shortcut Power Down
Switch Alert
Useful iotics and Scout Alarm integrations
Triggers (If this)
Mode armed
This Trigger fires when a mode is armed.
When a Switch is Turned On
This trigger fires when the switch selected by the user is turned on
Mode disarmed
This Trigger fires when a mode is disarmed.
When a Switch is Turned Off
This trigger fires when the switch selected by the user is turned off
Alarm triggered
This Trigger fires when the alarm for a specific mode is triggered.
Alarm dismissed
This Trigger fires when the alarm for a specific mode is dismissed.
Door panel opened
This Trigger fires when any or a specific door panel is opened.
Door panel closed
This Trigger fires when any or a specific door panel is closed.
Access sensor opened
This Trigger fires when any or a specific access sensor is opened.
Access sensor closed
This Trigger fires when any or a specific access sensor is closed.
Motion detected
This Trigger fires when any or a specific motion sensor detects motion. Your Scout system must be in an Armed state.
Queries (With)
History of Access sensor closed
This query returns a list of when any or a specific access sensor was closed.
List all things
This query returns a list of all things
History of whena mode was armed
This query returns a list of when a mode was armed.
History of when a Door panel was closed
This query returns a list of when any or a specific door panel was closed.
History of when a mode was disarmed
This query returns times when a mode was disarmed.
History of times Alarm was dismissed
This query returns a list of when the alarm for a specific mode was dismissed.
History of when Door panel was opened
This query returns a list of times when any or a specific door panel was opened.
History of Alarm triggers
This query returns a list of times when the alarm for a specific mode was triggered.
History of times Access sensor opened
This query returns a list of times when any or a specific access sensor was opened.
History of Motion detected
This query returns a list of when any or a specific motion sensor detected motion while your Scout system was in an Armed state.
Actions (Then that)
Start arming a mode
This Action will arm a mode at your location of choice (home, vacation home, etc).
Turn on all devices
This action will turn on all the iotics device linked to your account
Disarm a mode
This Action will disarm a mode at your location of choice (home, vacation home, etc).
Turn off all devices
This action will turn off all iotics devices
Disarm all modes
This Action will disarm any mode at your location that is in arming or armed mode.
Turn on a particular device
This action will turn on the selected iotics device
Turn on siren
This Action will turn on the siren in the Scout Hub and Scout Door Panels (if you have any).
Turn off a particular device
This action will turn off the selected iotics device
Turn off siren
This Action will turn off the siren in the Scout Hub and Scout Door Panels (if you have any).
Turn on a particular device switch
This action will allow user to select the iotics device and the particular switch of it to be turned on
This Action will make the hub chirp.
Turn off a particular device switch
This action will allow user to select the particular switch to be turned off
Enable key fob
This Action will enable a key fob at your location of choice.
Level control for particular fan
This action will help to control the fan level
Disable key fob
This Action will disable a key fob at your location of choice.
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