If New task created in Todoist, then create a new Jira issue
Start today
Triggers (If this)
Actions (Then that)
Other popular Jira workflows and automations
Create Jira issues from new GitHub issues
If an issue is updated in Studio Providers, then post a message to a channel
Create Jira issues from new Google Forms responses
Create Jira issues from new Google Sheets rows
Create new ClickUp tasks from Jira issues
Post to Telegram for new Jira issues
Create a Jira issue for each new datapoint
Create new Trello cards to generate issues in Jira
Useful Jira and Timberwolf Server integrations
Triggers (If this)
Switched on
This trigger is fired when the value of a boolean Timberwolf object changes to true.
New issue
This trigger fires when a new issue is created.
Object value has changed
This trigger fires when a Timberwolf Server object has changed.
Issue updated
This trigger fires when an issue is updated.
Switched off
This trigger is fired when the value of a boolean Timberwolf object changes to false.

Switched on
This trigger is fired when the value of a boolean Timberwolf object changes to true.

New issue
This trigger fires when a new issue is created.

Object value has changed
This trigger fires when a Timberwolf Server object has changed.

Issue updated
This trigger fires when an issue is updated.

Switched off
This trigger is fired when the value of a boolean Timberwolf object changes to false.
Queries (With)
Actions (Then that)
Switch on
This action will set a boolean Timberwolf object true. You may connect the object on your Timberwolf Server to other services like KNX, 1Wire, Modbus oder MQTT.
Create issue
This action will create a new issue.
Switch off
This action will set a boolean Timberwolf object false.
Set value
Set a Timberwolf Server object to a specified value. The selected Timberwolf Server will convert the textual value to the datatype of the target object. You can connect the target object to another subsystem like KNX, 1-Wire, Modbus, MQTT, HTTP or Timeseries

Switch on
This action will set a boolean Timberwolf object true. You may connect the object on your Timberwolf Server to other services like KNX, 1Wire, Modbus oder MQTT.

Create issue
This action will create a new issue.

Switch off
This action will set a boolean Timberwolf object false.

Set value
Set a Timberwolf Server object to a specified value. The selected Timberwolf Server will convert the textual value to the datatype of the target object. You can connect the target object to another subsystem like KNX, 1-Wire, Modbus, MQTT, HTTP or Timeseries
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