If new public video from subscriptions, then send message
Start today
Triggers (If this)
Other popular LINE workflows and automations
New ROW to Line
Android SMS forwards to LINE
Send a LINE message whenever you enter or exit a location
Whenever there is a new item in an RSS feed, send a message to LINE
Send a message when you press a button
Quickly send a LINE message with the Note widget
Share videos you liked on Youtube to LINE
Useful LINE and Reposit Power integrations
Triggers (If this)
You started exporting solar
This trigger fires when you start exporting solar power to the grid.
You stopped exporting solar
This trigger fires when you stop exporting solar power to the grid.
You export solar at a particular time of day
This trigger fires when you export solar power to the grid within a chosen time period.

You started exporting solar
This trigger fires when you start exporting solar power to the grid.

You stopped exporting solar
This trigger fires when you stop exporting solar power to the grid.

You export solar at a particular time of day
This trigger fires when you export solar power to the grid within a chosen time period.
Queries (With)
Actions (Then that)
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