Connect Email to LINE and unlock powerful automations

Popular Email and LINE workflows and automations

Useful Email and LINE integrations

Email and LINE resources

Best free invoicing software for 2024

Best free invoicing software for 2024

Click to learn the best free invoicing software for 2024! Automate your invoicing with IFTTT.

Google Calendar integrations & automations to optimize your schedule

Google Calendar integrations & automations to optimize your schedule

Check out our best Google Calendar integrations and learn how you can automate GCal in minutes with IFTTT!

Free ways to go green 2024

Free ways to go green 2024

Your eco-friendly efforts don’t cost a thing. That is, when they use IFTTT. Create automations that make it possible for you to reduce your carbon footprint without smart devices or appliances and without making major investments into...

How does ChatGPT work?

How does ChatGPT work?

ChatGPT is a natural language processing technology developed by OpenAI that uses machine learning models to generate human-like sentences from input text. But how does ChatGPT Work? Click here to learn more.

What is Jotform? Everything you need to know

What is Jotform? Everything you need to know

Click to learn what is Jotform and how to use it!

Wyze cameras, lights, and action

Wyze cameras, lights, and action

Wyze is an extremely popular smart home brand for their modern and sleek appearance, accessible pricing, and the broad spectrum of devices on their site. From home monitoring, health accessories, and other smart home solutions, Wyze can...

How to make a graph or chart in Google Sheets

How to make a graph or chart in Google Sheets

In this article, we will show you how to make graphs in Google Sheets. We will also introduce you to IFTTT, which can help automate your workflow and save you time. Let's get started!

Unveiling the best email apps for iPhone in 2024

Unveiling the best email apps for iPhone in 2024

The best email apps for iPhone in 2024. Click to learn more!

How to wrap text in Google Sheets

How to wrap text in Google Sheets

In this blog post, we will teach you how to wrap text in Google Sheets so that your text fits nicely within each cell. This will help keep your data organized, presentable, and easy to understand. Let's get started text wrapping!

IFTTT helps all your apps and devices work better together