Send yourself a notification reminder to switch on/off WiFi to save battery when you leave/arrive
Start today
Triggers (If this)
Other popular Location workflows and automations
Turn off your Hue lights when you leave home
(iOS) Switch your ecobee to the 'Away' Comfort Profile when you leave your home
Toggle a WeMo Switch on or off when you arrive or leave your home
Turn your lights on automatically as you arrive home
Turn on the lights when you arrive home
When you arrive, disarm Blink
Automatically turn up your Android phone's ringer when you leave work
Automatically unmute your Android when you get back home
Useful Location and TRIGGERcmd integrations
Triggers (If this)
You enter an area
This Trigger fires every time you enter an area you specify.
Any command
This trigger fires when any command runs
You exit an area
This Trigger fires every time you exit an area you specify.
Specific command
This trigger files when a command you choose is triggered.
You enter or exit an area
This Trigger fires every time you enter or exit an area you specify.

You enter an area
This Trigger fires every time you enter an area you specify.

Any command
This trigger fires when any command runs

You exit an area
This Trigger fires every time you exit an area you specify.

Specific command
This trigger files when a command you choose is triggered.

You enter or exit an area
This Trigger fires every time you enter or exit an area you specify.
Actions (Then that)
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