If garage is closed, then turn off garage fan
Start today
Triggers (If this)
Other popular MyQ workflows and automations
Log MyQ garage opening date and time to an iOS Calendar
MyQ Close History
MyQ Update Garage Status in Hubitat when Opened
If Garage Door is closed, then trigger the Monkey 'Garage Door Closed'
If Garage Door is opened, then trigger the Monkey 'Garage Door Open'
If garage door is opened, then turn on Wyze Camera
Activate Lutron Caseta Scene when MyQ Garage Opens from 8pm-6am
Close your MyQ garage door with your voice
Useful MyQ and Planet Money Podcast integrations
Triggers (If this)
Door closed
This trigger fires when a door is closed.
New Episode
This trigger fires when there is a new episode available for the Planet Money Podcast from NPR
Door opened
This trigger fires when a door is opened.
Light turned on
This trigger fires when a light is turned on.
Light turned off
This trigger fires when a light is turned off

Door closed
This trigger fires when a door is closed.

New Episode
This trigger fires when there is a new episode available for the Planet Money Podcast from NPR

Door opened
This trigger fires when a door is opened.

Light turned on
This trigger fires when a light is turned on.

Light turned off
This trigger fires when a light is turned off
Queries (With)
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