If Emergency Notification received from Nest Protect, then activate Routine 'Blink House ON'
Start today
Triggers (If this)
Queries (With)
Actions (Then that)
Other popular Niko Home Control workflows and automations
Start the selected program when there is excessive solar energy available
Activate your light when someone rings your doorbell
Activate your Niko Home Control routine when your Danalock is unlocked
Start the selected program when there is excessive solar energy available
On Niko Routine activate user can Turn On/Off any device in ThingaOS
Activate your routine with a Button widget
Set your your temperature while activating Niko Home Control routines
Close your blinds when temperature rises to prevent overheating
Useful Niko Home Control and WeMo Smart Plug integrations
Triggers (If this)
Routine activated
This trigger fires when a Routine is activated.
Switched on
This Trigger fires every time your WeMo Switch is turned on.
Virtual Device turned on
Virtual Device turned on
Switched off
This Trigger fires every time your WeMo Switch is turned off.
Virtual Device turned off
Virtual Device turned off
Device turned on
Device turned on
Device turned off
Device turned off
Motor opened
This trigger fires when a motor is opened
Motor closed
This trigger fires when a motor is closed

Routine activated
This trigger fires when a Routine is activated.

Switched on
This Trigger fires every time your WeMo Switch is turned on.

Virtual Device turned on
Virtual Device turned on

Switched off
This Trigger fires every time your WeMo Switch is turned off.

Virtual Device turned off
Virtual Device turned off

Device turned on
Device turned on

Device turned off
Device turned off

Motor opened
This trigger fires when a motor is opened

Motor closed
This trigger fires when a motor is closed
Queries (With)
History of Switched off
This query returns a list of times when your WeMo Switch was turned off.
History of motor closed
This query returns a list of when a motor was closed.
History of Switched on
This query returns a list of times when your WeMo Switch was turned on.
History of motor opens
This query returns a list of when a motor was opens

History of Switched off
This query returns a list of times when your WeMo Switch was turned off.

History of motor closed
This query returns a list of when a motor was closed.

History of Switched on
This query returns a list of times when your WeMo Switch was turned on.

History of motor opens
This query returns a list of when a motor was opens
Actions (Then that)
Activate Routine
This action will activate a Routine.
Turn on
This Action will turn a WeMo Switch on. If the WeMo Switch is already on, it will remain on.
Turn device on
Turn device on
Turn off
This Action will turn a WeMo Switch off. If the WeMo Switch is already off, it will remain off.
Turn device off
Turn device off
Turn on then off
This Action will turn a WeMo Switch on then immediately back off.
Set motor device position
This action will set motor device position to a desired value
Turn off then on
This Action will turn a WeMo Switch off then immediately back on.
Set dimmer brightness
This action will set dimmer device brightness to a desired value
Toggle on/off
This Action will toggle a WeMo Switch on or off.
Close motor device
This action will close a motor device
Open motor device
This action will open a motor device

Activate Routine
This action will activate a Routine.

Turn on
This Action will turn a WeMo Switch on. If the WeMo Switch is already on, it will remain on.

Turn device on
Turn device on

Turn off
This Action will turn a WeMo Switch off. If the WeMo Switch is already off, it will remain off.

Turn device off
Turn device off

Turn on then off
This Action will turn a WeMo Switch on then immediately back off.

Set motor device position
This action will set motor device position to a desired value

Turn off then on
This Action will turn a WeMo Switch off then immediately back on.

Set dimmer brightness
This action will set dimmer device brightness to a desired value

Toggle on/off
This Action will toggle a WeMo Switch on or off.

Close motor device
This action will close a motor device

Open motor device
This action will open a motor device
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