Video upload to create note
Start today
Actions (Then that)
Other popular FuseBase (Formerly Nimbus Note) workflows and automations
Blogger to Nimbus
Youtube to Nimbus Note
FBPage to NimbusNote
Twitter to Nimbus
#Soundcloud → Nimbus
Wordpress to Nimbus
FBPage to Nimbus
Quick add note in Nimbus Note
Useful FuseBase (Formerly Nimbus Note) and Tny integrations
Triggers (If this)
Actions (Then that)
Shorten URL
This action will shorten a URL and add it to your Tny account.
Create note
This Action will create a new text note in a folder with tags you specify.
Unshorten URL
This action will follow all redirects and returns the final destination of the input URL. Optionally strips away tracking parameters from the resulting URL.

Shorten URL
This action will shorten a URL and add it to your Tny account.

Create note
This Action will create a new text note in a folder with tags you specify.

Unshorten URL
This action will follow all redirects and returns the final destination of the input URL. Optionally strips away tracking parameters from the resulting URL.
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