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Triggers (If this)
Actions (Then that)
Other popular Tny workflows and automations
Shorten feed item URL
Shorten YouTube video URL
Shorten Medium post URL
Shorten Instagram photo URL
Shorten WordPress post URL
Shorten Tumblr post URL
Shorten Blogger post URL
Tweet to Tny link
Useful Tny and Zoom integrations
Triggers (If this)
Meeting created
This trigger fires when a meeting is created.
Short URL Created
This trigger fires when a short URL is added to your Tny account.
Any scheduled meeting starts
This trigger fires when a scheduled meeting starts.
Any scheduled meeting ends
This trigger fires when a scheduled meeting ends.

Meeting created
This trigger fires when a meeting is created.

Short URL Created
This trigger fires when a short URL is added to your Tny account.

Any scheduled meeting starts
This trigger fires when a scheduled meeting starts.

Any scheduled meeting ends
This trigger fires when a scheduled meeting ends.
Queries (With)
Actions (Then that)
Shorten URL
This action will shorten a URL and add it to your Tny account.
Create a meeting
This action will create a new meeting.
Unshorten URL
This action will follow all redirects and returns the final destination of the input URL. Optionally strips away tracking parameters from the resulting URL.

Shorten URL
This action will shorten a URL and add it to your Tny account.

Create a meeting
This action will create a new meeting.

Unshorten URL
This action will follow all redirects and returns the final destination of the input URL. Optionally strips away tracking parameters from the resulting URL.
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