Backup my contacts to a SkyDrive Spreadsheet
Start today
Triggers (If this)
Queries (With)
Actions (Then that)
Other popular OneDrive workflows and automations
Automatically back up new pictures you take on your Android device to OneDrive
Backup Pocket Archive to OneDrive
Save image to OneDrive
Evernote to Onedrive
Pocket favourite to pdf in Skydrive
Take screenshot > sends to onedrive
Upload all new Flickr photos you post to OneDrive
Save beautiful desktop wallpapers from subreddit /r/earthporn to a OneDrive folder
Useful OneDrive and VeeZy Oven integrations
Triggers (If this)
New file in folder
This Trigger fires every time a new file is created in the folder you specify.
Oven is started
This trigger fires every time the oven starts running
New photo in folder
This Trigger fires every time a new photo is created in the folder you specify.
Oven is finished
This trigger fires every time the oven stops cooking
New tagged photo in folder
This Trigger fires every time a new photo with the tag you specify is created in the folder you specify.
Door is opened
This trigger fires every time the oven door opens
New file matching regex in folder
This trigger fires every time a new file whose filename matches the regular expression you specify is added to the folder you specify
Door is closed
This trigger fires every time the oven door closes
New file matching search in folder
This trigger fires every time a new file whose filename or file contents contains the words you specify is added to the folder you specify
New file or folder shared with me
This trigger fires every time a new file or folder is shared with you

New file in folder
This Trigger fires every time a new file is created in the folder you specify.

Oven is started
This trigger fires every time the oven starts running

New photo in folder
This Trigger fires every time a new photo is created in the folder you specify.

Oven is finished
This trigger fires every time the oven stops cooking

New tagged photo in folder
This Trigger fires every time a new photo with the tag you specify is created in the folder you specify.

Door is opened
This trigger fires every time the oven door opens

New file matching regex in folder
This trigger fires every time a new file whose filename matches the regular expression you specify is added to the folder you specify

Door is closed
This trigger fires every time the oven door closes

New file matching search in folder
This trigger fires every time a new file whose filename or file contents contains the words you specify is added to the folder you specify

New file or folder shared with me
This trigger fires every time a new file or folder is shared with you
Queries (With)
History of files uploaded in folder
This query returns a list of recent files created in the folder you specify.
History of all device events
This query returns a list of all IFTTT events up to 2 weeks.
History of file matching search uploaded in folder
This query returns a list of recent files whose filename or file contents contains the words you specify is added to the folder you specify
History of files or folders shared with me
This query returns a list of recent files or folders shared with you
History of photo uploaded in folder
This query returns a list of recent photos created in the folder you specify.
History of photos with a tag uploaded in folder
This query returns a list recent photos with the tag you specify is created in the folder you specify.
History of file matching regex uploaded in folder
This query returns a list recent files whose filename matches the regular expression you specify is added to the folder you specify

History of files uploaded in folder
This query returns a list of recent files created in the folder you specify.

History of all device events
This query returns a list of all IFTTT events up to 2 weeks.

History of file matching search uploaded in folder
This query returns a list of recent files whose filename or file contents contains the words you specify is added to the folder you specify

History of files or folders shared with me
This query returns a list of recent files or folders shared with you

History of photo uploaded in folder
This query returns a list of recent photos created in the folder you specify.

History of photos with a tag uploaded in folder
This query returns a list recent photos with the tag you specify is created in the folder you specify.

History of file matching regex uploaded in folder
This query returns a list recent files whose filename matches the regular expression you specify is added to the folder you specify
Actions (Then that)
Start heating
This action will start heating the oven
Create text file
This action will create a new text file at the path you specify
Stop heating
This action will stop heating the oven
Append to a text file
This Action will append to a text file as defined by the file name and folder path you specify
Start preheating
This action will start preheating the oven
Add file from URL
This Action will download a file at a given URL and add it to OneDrive at the path you specify. NOTE: 30 MB file size limit.
Set program
This action will set the oven program
Select and start program
This action will let you choose the desired program and start it

Start heating
This action will start heating the oven

Create text file
This action will create a new text file at the path you specify

Stop heating
This action will stop heating the oven

Append to a text file
This Action will append to a text file as defined by the file name and folder path you specify

Start preheating
This action will start preheating the oven

Add file from URL
This Action will download a file at a given URL and add it to OneDrive at the path you specify. NOTE: 30 MB file size limit.

Set program
This action will set the oven program

Select and start program
This action will let you choose the desired program and start it
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