Export Evernote Notes to OneNote
Start today
Actions (Then that)
Other popular OneNote workflows and automations
Send your liked Tweets to OneNote
Send #Instapaper items to #OneNote
Store Pocket Articles to OneNote
Create notes in OneNote for your tweets when you use a specific #hashtag
Create a page with a map of where you are
Log Todoist completed tasks in Onenote
Send all photos of me in Facebook to OneNote
Screenshots - Onenote
Useful OneNote and Perfect Home Comfort integrations
Actions (Then that)
Turn on/off the air conditioner
This ACTION will turn on/off the air conditioner.
Create a page
This Action will create a new page in the specified section of the specified notebook.
Set fan speed
This ACTION sets the fan to the desired speed (Auto,Low, Medium, High).
Create a page with an image
This Action will create a new page with an image in the specified section of the specified notebook.
Set operating mode
This ACTION will set the air conditioner to the designated operating mode.
Create a page from a link
This Action creates a page from a link in the specified section of the specified notebook.
Turn on/off - Vertical Air Flow Direction
This ACTION will turn on or off the up and down wind of the air conditioner
Turn on/off - Horizontal Air Flow Direction
This ACTION will turn on/off the left/right wind of the air conditioner
Set temperature
This ACTION will change the air conditioner temperature setpoint.
Turn on/off ECO
This ACTION will turn on/off the ECO.

Turn on/off the air conditioner
This ACTION will turn on/off the air conditioner.

Create a page
This Action will create a new page in the specified section of the specified notebook.

Set fan speed
This ACTION sets the fan to the desired speed (Auto,Low, Medium, High).

Create a page with an image
This Action will create a new page with an image in the specified section of the specified notebook.

Set operating mode
This ACTION will set the air conditioner to the designated operating mode.

Create a page from a link
This Action creates a page from a link in the specified section of the specified notebook.

Turn on/off - Vertical Air Flow Direction
This ACTION will turn on or off the up and down wind of the air conditioner

Turn on/off - Horizontal Air Flow Direction
This ACTION will turn on/off the left/right wind of the air conditioner

Set temperature
This ACTION will change the air conditioner temperature setpoint.

Turn on/off ECO
This ACTION will turn on/off the ECO.
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