"Alexa, trigger lights on"
Start today
Actions (Then that)
Other popular Button widget workflows and automations
Get yourself out of an awkward situation (US Only)
Phone Locator (using Alexa & Macrodroid)
[ACC] Shut down computer (Google Drive)
Disco Hueby
Tell Alexa to start the party with a Hue light color show
Find your Android phone by playing music on it with Alexa
Let someone know you're heading home
Keep track of where you were this week
Useful Button widget and Perfect Home Comfort integrations
Triggers (If this)
Actions (Then that)
Turn on/off the air conditioner
This ACTION will turn on/off the air conditioner.
Set fan speed
This ACTION sets the fan to the desired speed (Auto,Low, Medium, High).
Set operating mode
This ACTION will set the air conditioner to the designated operating mode.
Turn on/off - Vertical Air Flow Direction
This ACTION will turn on or off the up and down wind of the air conditioner
Turn on/off - Horizontal Air Flow Direction
This ACTION will turn on/off the left/right wind of the air conditioner
Set temperature
This ACTION will change the air conditioner temperature setpoint.
Turn on/off ECO
This ACTION will turn on/off the ECO.

Turn on/off the air conditioner
This ACTION will turn on/off the air conditioner.

Set fan speed
This ACTION sets the fan to the desired speed (Auto,Low, Medium, High).

Set operating mode
This ACTION will set the air conditioner to the designated operating mode.

Turn on/off - Vertical Air Flow Direction
This ACTION will turn on or off the up and down wind of the air conditioner

Turn on/off - Horizontal Air Flow Direction
This ACTION will turn on/off the left/right wind of the air conditioner

Set temperature
This ACTION will change the air conditioner temperature setpoint.

Turn on/off ECO
This ACTION will turn on/off the ECO.
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