If Leak Sensor detected water, then Call my phone
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Actions (Then that)
Other popular Phone Call (US only) workflows and automations
Get yourself out of an awkward date
if it opens call me
Voicemail to Google Drive
New IFTTT update? ☎☎☎ me
Dictate voice notes that get transcribed into Todoist tasks
Make a phone call to save a note
Call your IFTTT number to leave a voicemail and it will upload as a private track
If it is Christmas, then call my phone and have a robot sing Deck The Halls to me
Useful Phone Call (US only) and Picsart Programmable Image integrations
Triggers (If this)
Actions (Then that)
Change Image Background
Changes the background of an image. You can set a new background image or a color. Use this module to apply white background.
Use for all types of product shots: product-only, flat lay, on-model, editorial campaigns. Works perfectly for products, apparel, person, cars, furniture, animals, logos.
Call my phone
This Action will call your phone number and say a message.
Upscale Image
The upscale service increases the resolutions of an image by a given upscale factor, without increasing its file size. Upscale increases the quality and resolution of your photos by leveraging predictive and generative AI to add pixels to your image. It works especially well on images without noise.

Change Image Background
Changes the background of an image. You can set a new background image or a color. Use this module to apply white background.
Use for all types of product shots: product-only, flat lay, on-model, editorial campaigns. Works perfectly for products, apparel, person, cars, furniture, animals, logos.

Call my phone
This Action will call your phone number and say a message.

Upscale Image
The upscale service increases the resolutions of an image by a given upscale factor, without increasing its file size. Upscale increases the quality and resolution of your photos by leveraging predictive and generative AI to add pixels to your image. It works especially well on images without noise.
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