Call your IFTTT number to leave a voicemail and it will upload as a private track
Start today
Actions (Then that)
Other popular Phone Call (US only) workflows and automations
Get yourself out of an awkward date
Get a phone call when your Blink Camera detects motions
Leave a voicemail to create a Google Calendar event
Make a phone call to save a note
if it opens call me
Call to end a Harmony activity
Call me if I'm internet-famous! (i.e. my name is mentioned on reddit)
If I'm asleep and the Scout Alarm triggers then wake me up with a phone call
Useful Phone Call (US only) and Tochie Speaker integrations
Triggers (If this)
Actions (Then that)
Convert text to speech
This action will convert text to speech and play on your Tochie.
Call my phone
This Action will call your phone number and say a message.
Playback recorded audio
This action will playback audio message recorded in Tochie app.
Set playback volume
This action will set the playback volume of a Tochie speaker

Convert text to speech
This action will convert text to speech and play on your Tochie.

Call my phone
This Action will call your phone number and say a message.

Playback recorded audio
This action will playback audio message recorded in Tochie app.

Set playback volume
This action will set the playback volume of a Tochie speaker
IFTTT helps all your apps and devices work better together