If Leak Sensor detected water, then Call my phone
Start today
Triggers (If this)
Other popular Phone Call (US only) workflows and automations
Get an insulting phone call If daily Steps goal not achieved by 10:30 PM.
Call me if I'm internet-famous! (i.e. my name is mentioned on reddit)
Alexa, Find my phoneby
Talk to the cloud: voicemail = SkyDrive mp3
Call your IFTTT number to leave a voicemail and it will upload as a private track
Dictate to Evernote
Call your Phone with Note message
Heart Rate Emergency
Useful Phone Call (US only) and VeeZy Refrigerator integrations
Triggers (If this)
Freezer door stays open for too long
This trigger fires every time the freezer door stays open for too long
Leave IFTTT any voicemail
This Trigger fires every time you leave any voicemail at your IFTTT phone number.
Cooler door stays open for too long
This trigger fires every time the cooler door stays open for too long
Any of the doors stay open for too long
This trigger fires when any of the doors stay open for too long

Freezer door stays open for too long
This trigger fires every time the freezer door stays open for too long

Leave IFTTT any voicemail
This Trigger fires every time you leave any voicemail at your IFTTT phone number.

Cooler door stays open for too long
This trigger fires every time the cooler door stays open for too long

Any of the doors stay open for too long
This trigger fires when any of the doors stay open for too long
Queries (With)
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