Dropbox Dictaphone (record
Start today
Triggers (If this)
Queries (With)
Actions (Then that)
Other popular Phone Call (US only) workflows and automations
If I'm asleep and the Scout Alarm triggers then wake me up with a phone call
Push voice messages to all of your devices
Call to end a Harmony activity
Dictate to Evernote
Get an insulting phone call If daily Steps goal not achieved by 10:30 PM.
Create new Toodledo tasks from voicemail
Dictate voice notes that get transcribed into Todoist tasks
Useful Phone Call (US only) and woopla phone calls integrations
Triggers (If this)
Trigger call received
This trigger fires when we receive your phone call. Enter a 3-digit code to distinguish events. Dial-in numbers at https://woop.la/ifttt
Leave IFTTT any voicemail
This Trigger fires every time you leave any voicemail at your IFTTT phone number.
Trigger call with voice message received
This trigger fires when you leave a voice message on any of our trigger hotlines. We transcribe your message into text. Enter a 3-digit code to distinguish events. Dial-in numbers at https://woop.la/ifttt

Trigger call received
This trigger fires when we receive your phone call. Enter a 3-digit code to distinguish events. Dial-in numbers at https://woop.la/ifttt

Leave IFTTT any voicemail
This Trigger fires every time you leave any voicemail at your IFTTT phone number.

Trigger call with voice message received
This trigger fires when you leave a voice message on any of our trigger hotlines. We transcribe your message into text. Enter a 3-digit code to distinguish events. Dial-in numbers at https://woop.la/ifttt
Queries (With)
History of trigger calls with voice message received
This query returns a list of when you leave a voice message on any of our query hotlines.
History of Trigger calls received
This query returns a list of when we receive your phone call. Enter a 3-digit code to distinguish events. Dial-in numbers at https://woop.la/ifttt

History of trigger calls with voice message received
This query returns a list of when you leave a voice message on any of our query hotlines.

History of Trigger calls received
This query returns a list of when we receive your phone call. Enter a 3-digit code to distinguish events. Dial-in numbers at https://woop.la/ifttt
Actions (Then that)
Call me and play text
This action will call your phone number to play customizable text. Call rates at https://woop.la/ifttt
Call my phone
This Action will call your phone number and say a message.
Call me and play audio
This action will call your phone number to play an MP3 audio file. Call rates at https://woop.la/ifttt
Call a phone number and play text
This action will call a phone number to play customizable text. Call rates at https://woop.la/ifttt
Call a phone number and play audio
This action will call a phone number to play an MP3 audio file. Call rates at https://woop.la/ifttt

Call me and play text
This action will call your phone number to play customizable text. Call rates at https://woop.la/ifttt

Call my phone
This Action will call your phone number and say a message.

Call me and play audio
This action will call your phone number to play an MP3 audio file. Call rates at https://woop.la/ifttt

Call a phone number and play text
This action will call a phone number to play customizable text. Call rates at https://woop.la/ifttt

Call a phone number and play audio
This action will call a phone number to play an MP3 audio file. Call rates at https://woop.la/ifttt
IFTTT helps all your apps and devices work better together