Archive new bookmarks as Markdown
Start today
Actions (Then that)
Other popular Pinboard workflows and automations
Send Pinboard saves to Instapaper
Pinboard to Instapaper
Send Instapaper saves to Pinboard
Pinboard bookmarks to Evernote
Put your upvoted posts in Pinboard
Every time a item is added to #pocket, save it in #pinboard
Any new Diigo bookmark made public will be posted in publically as well.
Vimeo "Watch Later" to Pinboard "Read Later"
Useful Pinboard and PowerView® Automation integrations
Triggers (If this)
Actions (Then that)
Activate Scene
This Action will activate an individual Room Scene.
Add a public bookmark
This Action will add a public bookmark to your Pinboard account.
Activate Multiple Room Scene
This Action will activate a Multiple Room Scene.
Add a private bookmark
This Action will add a private bookmark to your Pinboard account.
Turn off all Schedules
This Action will globally disable all Scheduled Scenes.
Add read later bookmark
This Action will add a new bookmark to your Pinboard account to read later.
Turn on all Schedules
This Action will globally enable all Scheduled Scenes.

Activate Scene
This Action will activate an individual Room Scene.

Add a public bookmark
This Action will add a public bookmark to your Pinboard account.

Activate Multiple Room Scene
This Action will activate a Multiple Room Scene.

Add a private bookmark
This Action will add a private bookmark to your Pinboard account.

Turn off all Schedules
This Action will globally disable all Scheduled Scenes.

Add read later bookmark
This Action will add a new bookmark to your Pinboard account to read later.

Turn on all Schedules
This Action will globally enable all Scheduled Scenes.
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