When a DocuSign envelope is completed, create a new activity in Pipedrive
Start today
Triggers (If this)
Other popular Pipedrive workflows and automations
When a new contact is added to a group in Google Contacts, create a deal in Pipedrive
Add new Pipedrive deals to Google Sheets rows
Add new Pipedrive activities to Pipedrive deals matching a filter
Create Pipedrive deals from new reviews in Google My Business
Create Trello cards from new Pipedrive deals
Add new Pipedrive contacts to Google Contacts
Send Slack messages when deals match a filter on Pipedrive
Add Mailchimp subscribers when Pipedrive deals change to match a filter
Useful Pipedrive and The Moz Blog integrations
Triggers (If this)
New deal
This trigger fires when there is a new deal.
New post from The Moz Blog
This trigger fires whenever there is a new post from The Moz Blog
New deal matching filter
This trigger fires when there is a new deal which matches a Pipedrive filter.
New activity
This trigger fires when there is a new activity.

New deal
This trigger fires when there is a new deal.

New post from The Moz Blog
This trigger fires whenever there is a new post from The Moz Blog

New deal matching filter
This trigger fires when there is a new deal which matches a Pipedrive filter.

New activity
This trigger fires when there is a new activity.
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