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Other popular Qapital workflows and automations
Save when it snows
Save money when you hit your daily Fitbit step goal
Add money to your savings account with one tap
Meet active goal
Reward yourself every time you check a task off your list
Reward yourself when you Check In at the gym!
Save money with the setting sun
Save money every time you hit your distance goal
Pay yourself for time spent reading
Useful Qapital and We Work Remotely integrations
Triggers (If this)
Any new job posted to We Work Remotely
This trigger fires for any new job posted to We Work Remotely
Create or join a new goal
This Trigger fires every time you either create a new goal or accept an invitation to join a friend's goal.
New customer support job posted to We Work Remotely
This trigger fires for any new customer support job posted to We Work Remotely
Every time you save
This Trigger fires every time you save toward one of your goals.
New product job posted to We Work Remotely
This trigger fires for any new product job posted to We Work Remotely
Every time you save using a specific method
This Trigger fires every time you save using a specific method like round-up or guilty-pleasure.
New full-stack programming job posted to We Work Remotely
This trigger fires for any new full-stack programming job posted to We Work Remotely
Every time you save toward a specific goal
This Trigger fires every time you save toward one specific goal.
New back-end programming job posted to We Work Remotely
This trigger fires for any new back-end programming job posted to We Work Remotely
New front-end programming job posted to We Work Remotely
This trigger fires for any new front-end programming job posted to We Work Remotely
New programming job posted to We Work Remotely
This trigger fires for any new programming job posted to We Work Remotely
New sales and marketing job posted to We Work Remotely
This trigger fires for any new sales and marketing job posted to We Work Remotely
New management and finance job posted to We Work Remotely
This trigger fires for any new management and finance job posted to We Work Remotely
New design job posted to We Work Remotely
This trigger fires for any new design job posted to We Work Remotely
New devops and system admin job posted to We Work Remotely
This trigger fires for any new devops and system admin job posted to We Work Remotely
New job in the "all other" category posted to We Work Remotely
This trigger fires for any new job in the "all other" category posted to We Work Remotely
Queries (With)
History of every time you saved
The query returns a list of instances when you saved towards one of your goals.
History of saves using a specific method
This query returns a list of when you saveed using a specific method like round-up or guilty-pleasure.
History of goals created or joined
This query returns a list of every time you either create a new goal or accept an invitation to join a friend's goal.
Actions (Then that)
Save toward a goal
This Action will transfer money toward one of your goals.
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