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The NPR Politics Podcast
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The NPR Politics Podcast
Useful The NPR Politics Podcast and WiZ integrations
Triggers (If this)
New Episode
This trigger fires when there is a new episode available for The "NPR Politics" Podcast
Actions (Then that)
Turn on / change light mode
This action will turn on the selected light(s). Optionally, a light mode or pre-defined color can be applied, as well as a level of dimming.
Turn off the light
This action will turn off the selected light(s).
Pulse the light
This action will make the selected light(s) pulse gently once.
Activate a scene
This action will apply the settings of the selected scene to your WiZ lights.
Dim / Brighten the light
This action will dim / brighten the selected light(s) by the step of your choice. Ideal for your smart remotes, connected buttons, widgets and much more!
Toggle your lights on/off
This action will turn your lights on if they are currently off – and vice versa. An easy way to toggle between on and off statuses!
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