Notify me when a new Github issue is assigned to me
Popular GitHub workflows & automations
Keep track of your assigned GitHub issues in iOS Reminders
Github issues assigned to me Todoist
Github Weekly Summary
Track new GitHub issues in Google Calendar
Automatically pull Github issues into Trello
GitHub issue notification
Post GitHub issues in Slack, automatically!
Get an email notification when you're assigned a new issue on Github
Track pull requests in a Google Drive spreadsheet
Reflect on the hard work we did this week
GitHub to Dropbox
Blogger to Github
Add GitHub to your lifestyle analytics with Welltory
Create a new GitHub issue
If new issue assigned to you on Github, then add to Trello Board
Send the GitHub issues you're assigned to OneNote
Medium to Github
YouTube to Github
Let the team know about a new PR
Push notification for github
New card in Trello board posts as new issue in GitHub
Post in Slack when a GitHub issue is closed
When a new issue is assigned to you in Github create a task in TickTick
Create issues from screenshots and photos added to your iPhone album "GitHub"
Turn GitHub issues assigned to you into MeisterTask tasks
Create a new GitHub issue via email
Text me when GitHub releases a new open source project
Receive an email for every GitHub issue that is closed in a Repo you collaborate on
Record a list of the GitHub repos you create to Evernote
Plan you next work day with a daily digest of new issues on github #slowweb
Keep track of new Github issues assigned to you in a notebook
If a new GitHub issue arrives, send me a message in Telegram
If new item is added to Instapaper,then create a new github issue.
Create reminders for pull requests from any repo you choose
Pull Request to iOS
When an issue is opened on a Github repo I own, PushBullet me a note.
Add new Github issues to todo.txt
Open a GitHub issue for every new bill signed into law
Github Pull -> Pushbullet Link
Send quick bug reports to Github
If a Github issue is assigned to you, add a Remember The Milk task
Github issue pushed
Notify your Das Keyboard when a new pull request for a specific GitHub repository is made
Add all new Github issues to a spreadsheet
Create Github Issues in bulk from a CSV spreadsheet file
Any new notification from a repository This Trigger fires every time you receive a new notification from a specific repository on Github.
Any new repository event This trigger fires every time a new event occurs in a repository.
Any new release This Trigger fires every time a repo release a new version on Github.
Any new commit This Trigger fires every time a new commit in a repo is created on Github.
Any new notification This trigger fires every time you receive a new notification on Github.
Any new Gist This Trigger fires every time you create a new Gist on Github.
Any new issue This Trigger fires every time any new issue is opened in a repository you own or collaborate on.
Any new closed issue This Trigger fires every time any issue is closed in a repository you own or collaborate on.
New issue assigned to you This Trigger fires every time a new issue is assigned to you.
New repository by a specific username or organization This Trigger fires every time a new repository is created by the username or organization you specify.
New pull request for a specific repository This Trigger fires every time a new pull request is opened for a repository you specify.
History of pull requests for a specific repository This query returns a list of every time a new pull request is opened for a repository you specify.
History of issues assigned to you This query returns a list of every time a new issue is assigned to you.
History of issues This query returns a list of every time any new issue is opened in a repository you own or collaborate on.
History of repositories by a specific username or organization This query returns a list of every time a new repository is created by the username or organization you specify.
History of closed issues This query returns a list of every time any issue is closed in a repository you own or collaborate on.
Lists users that have starred the repository This query returns a list of users that have starred the repository.
List watched repos This query returns a list of repositories watched by the current user.
List starred repos This query returns a list of repositories starred by the current user.
List starred Gists This query returns a list of Gists starred by the current user.
List Gists. This query returns a list of Gists owned by the current user.