- Job CompleteThis trigger fires when your robot completes a job.
- Robot StartedThis trigger fires when your robot starts a job.
- Robot StuckThis trigger fires when your robot is stuck.
- Bin fullThis trigger fires when your robot's bin is full.
- Room TraversalThis trigger fires when your robot starts driving through one room to reach another room.
- Room Traversal CompleteThis trigger fires when your robot has finished driving through one room to reach another room.
- Room StartedThis trigger fires when your robot starts cleaning a room.
- Room FinishedThis trigger fires when your robot finishes cleaning a room.
- Robot OnlineThis Query returns the online status of your robot.
- Robot StatusThis Query returns the current status of your robot, as well as the time of its next scheduled job.
- History of Bin full alertsThis query returns a list of times when Roomba alerted that its bin was full.
- History of robot startedThis query returns a list of when your robot starts a job.
- History of robot stuckThis query returns a list of when your robot was stuck.
- History of job completeThis query returns a list of when your robot completes a job.
- Resume robotThis action will resume your robot.
- Locate robotThis action will locate your robot.
- Dock robotThis action will dock your robot.
- Start robotThis action will start your robot.
- Stop robotThis action will stop your robot.
- Pause robotThis action will pause your robot.
- Clean by RoomThis action will clean a specific room in your home. For robots with Imprint™ Smart Mapping technology.
- Vacuum and Mop EverywhereThis action will start a Vacuum and Mop Everywhere job. For Roomba Combo™ j7 robots only.
- Vacuum and Mop a RoomThis action will start a vacuum + mop job a specific room in your home. For Roomba Combo™ j7 robots only.