Automatically post on Twitter when you start streaming on Twitch
Popular Twitch workflows & automations
Get an email when a stream is going live for a channel you follow
Blink your LIFX lights when you get a new Twitch follower
Get a push notification when a Channel you follow goes live
Automatically post on your official Facebook Page when you start streaming on Twitch
Twitch live Discord Message
Everytime you start a new stream on Twitch post a message to Discord
Post a tweet when you get a new follower on Twitch
Automatically post on Twitter and your Facebook Page when you start a Twitch stream
Twitch Auto Facebook Page
Turn your Hue light Twitch purple when a channel you follow goes live
If someone follow your channel, trigger a Yeelight flash notification
Add Twitch to your lifestyle analytics with Welltory
Get a notification when a Twitch channel you follow posts a new video
Post Discord thank you message for every Twitch follower!
Change your Hue bulbs to Twitch purple when you get a new follower
Twitch New Follower Blink Alert and Reset
Flash lights on new twitch follower
LIVE Twitch to Twitter w/ HashTags
Automatically post on Twitter and your Facebook Page when you share a new Twitch video
Twitch notification follower
twitch follow
Receive a Telegram message once a channel you follow goes live
Blink your LIFX bulb purple when a Twitch channel you follow goes live
Automatically save new videos from Twitch to Pocket
When you go live on Twitch, draft a custom Tweet and post it to your audience on Twitter
If Stream going live for Any, then post a rich message to a channel
Everytime a user you follow goes live on Twitch post a message to Discord
Avvisa su telegram quando vai in streaming
Get an SMS when a stream goes live for a channel you follow on Twitch
Everytime you add a new video on Twitch post a message to Discord
New Twitch Stream started by you triggers a Custom Event
Add new twitch followers to google sheets
Post when you start streaming on Twitch
Hue blink light if you have a new follower
Post a message to GroupMe when a Twitch event starts
Notify Facebook Friends When You Stream on Twitch
If new follower on your Twitch channel, then change the color of my Kasa Smart Bulb
If new Stream started on Twitch, then post announcement to Discord and Twitter
Post new Twitch stream on Slack
Activate a Scene when a Twitch Stream is Live
New Twitch Stream started by someone you follow triggers a Custom Event
Create a task when a channel you follow on Twitch posts a new video
Change the light when a channel I follow is going live
Twitch stream announcement
If Twitch stream going live for a channel you follow, then change the color of my Kasa Smart Bulb
Post your Twitch videos
Stream going live for a channel you follow This Trigger fires every time a stream is going live for the specified Channel that you follow.
New stream started by you This trigger fires every time you start streaming on Twitch.
New video posted by a channel you follow This trigger fires every time there is a new video posted by a channel you follow.
New video posted by you This trigger fires every time there is a new video posted by you.
You follow a new channel This trigger fires every time you follow a new channel on Twitch.
New follower on your channel This trigger fires every time there is a new follower of your channel.
History of followers on your channel This query returns a list of when there were new followers of your channel.
History of following a new channel This query returns a list of when you follow new channels on Twitch.
History of videos posted by a channel you follow This query returns a list of when there were new videos posted by a channel you follow.
History of videos posted by you This query returns a list of when there were new videos posted by you.
History of Stream going live events for a channel you follow This query returns a list of events when a stream went live for the specified Channel that you follow.
History of streams started by you This query returns a list of when you started streaming on Twitch.
History of top videos of the week This query returns a list of when there were new top videos of the week on Twitch.